Best Workout Combination – Back and Bicep workout compound exercises

In this blog, we will learn Best Workout Combination for your back and bicep workout compound exercises 

It’s never too late to start your goal. Whatever may be your goal for fitness,  you just need a right guide.

A new day begins from the time you think to start and also give the effort to do it. So if you are planning to become fittest, then you must have a watch over these exercises.

Sp For building a lean and strong muscular body, it is also important to focus on nutrition. Without a proper nutritional diet plan, you will find tough to recover soon and land to a mess like muscle loss, slow recovery, slow development of muscles or even injury.

One thing to note down is that while working on back muscles there is also stress on biceps muscle, so if you train your back then you can also train your arms muscle for a better effect. Before starting your workout, you need a few minutes warm-up and stretching exercises.

After warm-up exercises, you can start your heavy weight training on back and biceps workouts.

biceps muscle first can exhaust your back muscles. So start with your back and finish it with your biceps muscle.

Back and Biceps workout compound exercises

Exercise 1: Lat pull-down

  1. Position your body on the bench and keep your knee to in 90 degrees. Along with it keep your feet flat on the ground.
  2. After sitting comfortably, pull the bar down keeping your grip outside to the shoulder or you can extend slightly.
  3. After that do chest up and lean you back slightly back. Now you are ready to pull the bar.
  4. While pulling it slowly pull the bar down with your elbow pointed down. Now slowly go up. This complete one reps.

Exercise 2: One Arm Row

Best Workout Combination back and biceps Best Workout Combination back and biceps


  1. Place your right leg on the bench and keep you back flat.
  2. Lift dumbbell with one hand and keep other on bench to give support.
  3. Pull the weight in your side in upward direction and complete 1 reps by lowering the dumbbell.


 Exercise 3: Seated Cable row 

 Exercise 3: Seated Cable row  Exercise 3: Seated Cable row

  1. To do this exercise you need to sit slightly away from the machine.
  2. Lean forward to hold the bar and go back to sit with back upright.
  3. Now squeeze your shoulder blade and keeping your elbow high pull the bar to your chest.


Exercise 4: Barbell Biceps curl


Best Workout Combination back and biceps Best Workout Combination back and biceps

  1. Stand up with holding the barbell
  2. Now slowly curl your barbell without moving arms with just forearms.

Exercise 5: Dumbbell Biceps Curl

Best Workout Combination back and biceps

  1. Stand up straight with holding the dumbbell by holding dumbbell side palm facing in
  2. Tuck your elbow to the sides while lifting the dumbbells.
  3. Turn your wrist at the top of the move.

Exercise 6: Biceps curl with pully

Biceps curl with pully Best Workout Combination back and biceps


  1. Hold the lower pully-bar standing straight
  2. Tuck your elbow to sides while lifting.
  3. Go slowly and without moving your elbow


Hope You Will enjoy this workout. And End tip to do is find your friend with the same goal and you will always be motivated to start and complete the workout.

Rest time between each set is 60 second and drop sets 1.30 minutes, back and bicep workout compound exercises





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