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Home Workouts Best Exercise for Shoulder Deltoid Muscles

Best Exercise for Shoulder Deltoid Muscles

shoulder deltoid training for bigger delts
shoulder deltoid training for bigger delts
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Best Exercise for Shoulder Deltoid Muscles

Many trainers fall into the trap of not treating their shoulders with due respect when it comes to flowing a comprehensive program replete with a proper perspective of the right moves done the right way. Chest, back and arms are pummeled with big heavy and compound exercises while shoulders are thrown a few presses and lateral raises before heading out the door.

How Shoulder  deltoid training must not be done

  • Don’t overhead press too much weight
  • Don’t use a short or limited range of motion
  • Don’t cheat during any type of lateral raise
  • Don’t overdo the presses

How Shoulder deltoid training must be done

  • Do use a manageable weight.
  • Do swallow your pride and use a full range of motion.
  • Do focus on posterior exercises.
  • Do add in some dynamic moves.


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The new best shoulder deltoid training workout



Shoulder Workout Exercises
Exercise Sets reps
Barbell clean and press 3 5
Dumbell id upright row 3 15/18
High rope face full 4 10/12
Dumbell or trap bar shrug ( up and back ) 3 8/10

Shoulder deltoid training

The clean and press bring in some much-needed low rep power while the upright rows are high rep burners. The face pulls give not only the rear delts their due attention but also the upper traps as well. The shrugs are performed by lifting your shoulders up and back at roughly a 45-degree angle instead of straight up and down. This helps to contract the traps and stabilize the entire shoulder girdle. The program is balanced and has plenty of variety. Rest one minute between sets.

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