Common Mistakes while Chest Dumbbell Bench Press
The Most Common mistake made by many of you while performing the workout for chest Dumbbell Bench Press, Try to understand this mistake you make.
The bench press is a standout amongst the most broadly utilized and known developments in all exercise center settings. Regardless of whether you’re a devoted quality competitor or a recreational center goer, at that point chances are you’ve seat squeezed in any event once in your lifetime. Furthermore, in all honesty, there’s something else entirely to the seat press than meets the eye.
Watch out this Video For proper bench press dumbbell flat bench
Video Credit: ATHLEAN-X™
The dumbbell bench press is one of the most classic chest exercises you can do to build a bigger chest. That said, it is not the chest alone that powers the dumbbells up on every rep. The shoulders and triceps are very much involved in assisting with the exercise as well. This can be a problem however when either one of these ancillary muscle groups starts to take over the movement and takes away from the contribution of the chest muscles.
6 Top Common Mistakes made while Dumbbell Bench Press flat
1. Too Heavy Weights
Do not lift too many heavyweights that you are not able to lift with proper form will limit your range of motion, limit the effectiveness of the exercise to your chest dumbbell bench press and it may even increase your risk of injury mostly the shoulder injuries. so limit yourself while performing a dumbbell bench press. bench press with dumbbells

2. Neglecting the Rotator Cuff
Weak rotator cuff muscles tend to be one of the biggest problems for lifters. So always keep in mind not to ignore shoulder rotator cuff while you shoulder workout days, if your shoulder is made stronger then it will be easy to perform a dumbbell bench press.
The rotator cuff of you the shoulder and is engaged during every push or pull movement that you perform in your workout, so any weakness in this area can harm your performance or skyrocket your chance of injury, especially when working with heavy weights and poor form.
Watch out this Video to make you Rotator Cuff Exercises
This video contains Top 5 MYTHS about Shoulder Rotator Cuff with properly focused rotator cuff to make then stronger.
3. Never Arching your back
Arching your back means you are making a chest on performing a dumbbell bench press flat because it limits the range of motion and makes it easier to use momentum to press the weight upward.
This decreases the effectiveness of the exercise since the range of motion is been limited and will reduce the number of muscle effect.

4. Dumbbell Hitting Too High On the Chest
If a dumbbell press for chest is hitting too high on the chest, then a lifter will have slight pain on the joints of your shoulder and the presser will mostly on your shoulder joints instead of the chest and will increase the risk of injuring your shoulder.
So better take a close ( grip no too close ) and don’t lift too high while performing a dumbbell bench press.
5. Lifting the Head Up
Another mistake that you make while chest dumbbell bench press is lifting your head up ( normal lifting is ok) but too high lifting will injury your neck area.
Lifting your head and neck up whilst performing the motion can cause neck pain and injury.

6. Grip Width
A grip that’s too narrow could cause stress on the lateral sides of the wrists, while a grip that’s too wide could cause dissipation of power. One thing to note, if you’re a powerlifter and you’re trying to move the most weight possible, then your grip will again, most likely be different than the general recommendation below.
Hold the Dumbbell bench press grip slightly little but out from your shoulder ( but don’t take your dumbbells to grip too much outside of your shoulder.