Ways to Get Faster Results in the Gym – Fast result fitness

Hi Guys, Welcome to Your Gym Guides.

I get many DM asked to me by my followers, that  Ways to Get Faster Results in the Gym


What do I need to do in order to make progress quick without hating the progress.


There’s not just one answer for this especially when it comes to your fitness journey or personal life.

Here is my 5 BEST HABITS that i practice to keep myself mentally fit.

  1. ✅ Make up in your mind that you are going to do whatever it takes to reach your goal even when you don’t feel like taking action.

2. ✅ At the beginning of the week prepare your food in advance and get rid of all junk food in the house 🏠 leave no room for temptation.

3. ✅ Commit to performing your workouts a coupes days a week or some form of  physical activity.

4. ✅ Get yourself in the right environment surround yourself with people who have the same aspirations as you.

5. ✅ Limit the amount of negativity you have around you.

Any one of these HABITS could be the one that changes things and gives you the shift you need.

To help you hit your goals right ways.

What’s your favourite COMMENT below.

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