5 Best Shoulder Exercises to grow fast shoulder

5 Best Shoulder Exercises to grow fast shoulder


In This Blog We will see those 5 best shoulder exercise to make shoulder growth faster

Let’s Begin with exercises your gym guides is always ready to help you anytime

1. Dumbbell Front Raise :

front raises shoulder exercise

  1. Pick a dumbbells and stand  the dumbbells on front of your thighs at arms length with the palms of the hand facing your thighs.
  2. While maintaining the torso stationary (no swinging), lift the left dumbbell to the front with a slight bend on the elbow and the palms of the hands always facing down. Continue to go up until you arm is slightly above parallel to the floor.
  3. Now lower the dumbbell back down slowly to the starting position as you simultaneously lift the right dumbbell.
  4. Perform this shoulder front raise exercise for 3 sets of 15 reps.


2. Dumbbell Lateral raise :

dumbell lateral raise side raise shoulder exercise

  1. Pick a couple of dumbbells and stand with a straight torso and the dumbbells by your side at arms length with the palms of the hand facing you.
  2. While maintaining the torso in a stationary position (no swinging), lift the dumbbells to your side with a slight bend on the elbow and the hands slightly tilted forward . Continue to go up until you arms are parallel to the floor.
  3. Lower the dumbbells back down slowly to the starting position as you inhale.
  4. Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions is 10 reps with 3 sets 


3. Bar Bell push press shoulder :

seated shoulder exercise push press


  1. Stand or sitting with feet shoulder-width apart and grip the bar with your fingertips, elbows pointing forward.
  2. Rest the bar on the front of your shoulders.
  3. Drop down into a shallow squat, centring your weight under the barbell.
  4. Press up through your heels.
  5. Drive the bar directly above your head until your arms are straight.
  6. Lower the bar down to your chest.

4. Reverse Flyers :

reverse flyer shoulder exercise

  1. Grab a pair of dumbbells and bend forward at your hips until your torso is nearly parallel to the floor.
  2. Set your feet shoulder-width apart. Let the dumbbells hang straight down from your shoulders, your palms facing each othe, with your arms slightly bent.
  3. Keeping your back flat and your torso sill, raise your arms straight out to your sides until they’re in line with your body. Don’t change the bend in your elbows. Pause, then slowly return to the starting position.
  4. repeat this shoulder exercise for 3 sets of 10 reps .

5. Up raise / Arnold Press :

arnold press shoulder

  1. Hold a pair of weights in front of your shoulders, palms facing your body. (The start position should look like the top portion of the dumbbell curl.)
  2. f you have lower-back problems or are just starting out, do this move on a chair or bench that offers back support.
  3.  Begin with less weight than you would use for overhead dumbbell presses; you can always adjust in your later sets.
  4. perform, Arnold press shoulder exercise with 3 sets of 15 reps 

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