Inner chest workout – Top 3 Exercises Chest workout for men

Chest training is one of the most popular exercises of the biceps, abdominals and shoulders! inner chest workout Not only is the appearance nice, but it contributes to the strength and structure of the upper body workouts. The formation of the chest can also improve the posture, as it relieves the back muscles.

By training the pecs, you allow yourself to gain weight, improve definition and increase strength. When it comes to most exercises, your chest integrates significantly without you realizing it. When you focus on chest exercises.

we use the term “pectoral building”, it is the major pectoralis, it is the large muscle located at the front of the chest and the one that gives the chest its shape. This is the muscle on which all the coaches work when they develop their chest.inner chest workout But to carve properly, you have to work from several angles.

While most trainers are aware of having to work on the upper and lower pecs, many leave the internal pecs aside. The inner chest workout pectorals are the finishing touch, the inner pecs give the whole chest that many sculptures seek to achieve.

inner chest workout top 3 Chest workout for men

Dumbbell Flyes for inner chest workout:

inner chest workout Dumbbell flyes chest exercises

inner chest workout dumbbell flyes

How to Do ? 

  • Lie on your back on a bench, with your arms crossed and your elbows slightly bent.
  • With a large round motion, move the two dumbbells closer to the middle of your chest.
  • Make sure to contract your pecs as much as possible with the movement.
  • Hold for a second, come back slowly.
  • Make 3-4 sets of 8-10 representatives.
  • You can extend this exercise by doing super-sets with different positions on the bench (flat, inclined and declining).

Cable Crossover for inner chest workout:

inner chest workout

This requires the machine with two cable stations as shown in below Image.

cable crossover for inner chest workout

How to do ? 

  • Standing with one foot forward and your hands grasping the cable handles above you.
  • Stand so that the cables are slightly in front of you and bend your body slightly so that your pecs extend forward.
  • Be the cable down and around the waist.
  • Be sure to contract your pecs at the end of the movement.
  • Hold for a second, come back slowly.
  • Make 3-4 sets of 8-10 representatives.

Close Grip Barbell Bench Press for inner chest workout :

Close Grip Barbell Bench Press is the best exercise for inner chest workout

close grip barbell bench press inner chest workout

  • Make the presses with your hands gripping the bar at half-height – your hands should actually touch each other.
  • This will move the exercise towards your inner pecs.
  • Make 3-4 sets of 8-10 representatives.


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