Taking a rest day every three to five days is recommended. You’re going to want to take more regular days of rest if you do intensive exercise. By doing a light workout, including gentle stretching, you can also have an active rest day. To decide when to rest.

Resting is very much important , Because all your broken muscles get repaired when you get better quality rest /sleep
What to do on Rest Days Sunday?
1. Stretch and foam roll.
Stretching and foam rolling both help reduce lactic acid that may have built up throughout your muscles after hard workouts and long runs.
2. Fuel your body.
Eat Healthy food every day as specially on rest day because on that day to boost up your muscles recovery process you need to fuel you body with some healthy nutritient food.
Rest day does not mean eat whatever you like unhealthy oily food.

make some smoothie or fruit slad.
3. Get Some massage spa
Heading to the spa can be a pampering treat, but it can also be a huge boost to your health and wellness! Massage therapy can relieve all sorts of ailments – from physical pain, to stress and anxiety. People who choose to supplement their healthcare regimen with regular massages will not only enjoy a relaxing hour or two at the spa, but they will see the benefits carry through the days and weeks after the appointment!
- Reduce Stress. A relaxing day at the spa is a great way to unwind and de-stress. …
- Improve Circulation. …
- Reduce Pain. …
- Eliminate Toxins. …
- Improve Flexibility. …
- Improve Sleep. …
- Enhance Immunity. …
- Reduce Fatigue.
4. Go for a walk
Go for a nice little sunday rest day walk with you partner.

5. Watch a movie.
Whether its a chick flick, comedy,thriller, watch a movie you love and enjoy your rest day time.