4 Best Calf Exercises To Get Diamond Shaped Calves

Calf exercises, Frankly Speaking, The calf muscles are insanely stubborn and a pain to grow, which is why most people stop focusing on them altogether.

The process is simple. Take 10 minutes of dedicated, progressive calf work onto the tail end of leg day and you’ll quickly gain muscles on the back side of your lower legs.

Do it on a regular basis legs calf exercise and you’ll gradually build mountainous and diamond-shaped calves.

The biology Structure  Of The Calves muscles

Anatomy Of The Calves muscles

The successful calf building process starts with an understanding of the diagnosis and muscle fiber types involved, which directly influence the exercises, rep schemes and loads used.

The calves are made up of two primary muscles — the gastrocnemius + soleus.

  • The gastrocnemius is effectively the biceps of the lower body. In details 
  • The soleus is a long, flat sheath of muscle tissue that runs down the back of the leg.  In details

Even though the gastrocnemius is the calf muscle everyone sees, the soleus is incredibly important.

The 4 Best Calf Exercises To Build Massive calf muscle

Perform this 4 calf Exercises for your calf muscle and shouldn’t take up more than 10 minutes to thoroughly blast from a variety of angles.

For the most part, calf exercises grouped into one of two categories:

  • Straight-leg — all straight-leg exercises, usually done standing, primarily  Straight Standing Exercise Hit the gastrocnemius. They also hit the soleus, but at a  smaller degree Hit.
  • Bent-leg — all bent-leg calf exercises, usually done sitting, almost exclusively work the soleus.

Let’s begin with 4 best calf Exercises/ workout 

1. Calf Exercise ( Seated Calf Raises ) build calf muscle

Seated Calf Raise exercise

Seated Calf Raises exercises are the best exercise to hammer the soleus directly. They have to be a staple in any leg and/or calf workout routine.


  • (1) Load a plate machine. Sit upright with a tight core.
  • (2) Powerfully contract your calves and press up as far as possible. Hold for 1 second and lower slowly all the way down to the bottom throughout the full ROM. You should feel a deep stretch through your calves.
  • (3) Hold for 1 second at the bottom and repeat the movement.

2. Donkey Calf Raises workout exercises for calf muscle

donkey calf raise


  • (1) Set up so that there’s some type of weight positioned on your lower back. ( Tell your gym partner to sit on your lower back) You can also place a weight plate or step under your feet to increase the RoM. Bend over to a 45º angle and keep your legs straight.
  • (2) Powerfully contract your calves and press up as far as possible. Hold for 1 second and slowly return down to the ground. Repeat.

3. 45 Degree Calf Raise exercises for your calf muscle

45 degree calf press exercise


  • (1) Load up a leg press machine and keep your legs straight. Place the balls of your feet on the platform with your heels hanging off.
  • (2) Powerfully contract your calves and press the platform up as far as possible. Hold for 1 second and release back as far as possible. Hold for 1 second at the bottom and repeat.

4. Standing Barbell Calf Raises

standing_barbell_calf_raise exercises


  • (1) Load a barbell and place 2 plates together on the floor. Stand with your feet slightly more narrow than shoulder-width, with the balls of your feet on top of the plates. The plates help increase range of motion.
  • (2) Powerfully contract your calves and press up as far as possible. Hold for 1 second at the top and slowly return all the way down to the ground. Repeat.

For more overall Legs workout including calf muscle


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