Going Gym on regular basic to acheive our desired results is the main routine of life, We Have to avoid consuming junk food or street foods to reach our fitness goals. May people loss their motivation and go towords failure due to they all are not focused to their goal in have healthy life, Being addicted to eating junk food is very bad habit, it will be like a obstacle in your weight loss journey.
Food Nutrition & Exercise
Daily exercise and good nutrition are main reason for you over health and fitness, Deficiency/lack of nutrition will make you weak and low in stamina. Ofcourse you will loss weight by doing exercise on empty stomach but losing weight by following this method is on now use and you will get weak and low energetic gym & you will feel lazy at work.
If you consume proper nutrition food Eg: supplement product, will fuel you up and your performance at gym will increase & and will help you to lose weight rapidly.
Frequently asked question “what does pre workout do….” Read More.

Exercise on Empty stomach will lose weight?
This is a misundersting being spreading on social media saying: exercise to lose belly fat in 1 week, That doing fasted exercise will result to better weight lose. Studies shows that the body’s response to fasted exercise, it is said that exercising fasted workout will use fat as fuel/energy.
Here fat burning is not the great on empty stomach as you body glucose level is low in the body. As i said above, this could led to low energy, low stamina and nausea.
Then after your fasted fat burn exercise when you take you meal, the insulin system will start storing the extra glucase that cames from food as fat so that your body will be ready for you next fasted exercise in future.
The conclusion here is, Exercising on empty will not help you in losing weight and body weight.
Get most from your daily Exercise
It best you have something little bit before your exercise as a pre-workout or whey protein, Weather your goal is to lose weight or gain weight. The perfect time to have something before workout is 30 mins earlier, Food that has good amount of carbs, fibers and protein.
Make sure more to eat took much before gym. secret of people who lose weight easily.