Metabolism Booster Foods – How to Increase Metabolism ?


Metabolism Booster food ..!! Before we go further let’s know about what is Metabolism ?

The definition of metabolism is the organic and chemical processes inside of organisms that are necessary to maintain life, or how quickly you burn calories or fat.
    1. The chemical processes that let you stay alive are an example of metabolism.
    2. The rate at which you burn fat and calories you consume is an example of metabolism.

Why some people have slow metabolism ?

If you have a slow metabolism, you are in a fix. Because no matter how much you control your food cravings, calories will inevitably get stored as fat. Worse, it will also be difficult for you to lose weight. Now, metabolism can be slow due to age, hormonal imbalance, stress, and heredity. So is there a way to boost your metabolism booster?

Yes,  there are many food and life style that boost / increase  metabolism , but in this blog we will see top food that naturally boost metabolism

Best Way to boost metabolism / Natural Metabolism Booster

1. Drink Green Tea

Green tea is loaded with epigallocatechin-3-gallate, a phytonutrient that helps in boosting fat metabolism, reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and obesity. Moreover green tea is a zero calorie drink, and you can add ginger, honey, lemon, cinnamon, mint, clove, etc. to give your cup of green tea a different flavor every day. Have a cup of green tea with your breakfast or between large meals.

2. Egg Yolk – metabolism booster

Yes, if you want to improve your metabolic rate then you should consume the whole egg. Egg yolks are rich in essential fatty acids, fat-soluble vitamins, and choline that regulates the gene responsible for fat storage in your liver. Consuming whole eggs also increases the plasma HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol) levels. So, you can have one or two whole eggs per day without raising the cholesterol levels too high.  ( remember Exercise is important ) .

3. Eat Lean Protein 

When it comes to increasing your metabolic rate, it is critical that you eat lean protein sources daily with each meal. A 58-kg person would need 47-58 gm protein (approximately 0.8 gm protein per kg weight). It’s a false notion that consuming protein can lead to fat gain. Protein is food for your muscles and eating protein will build lean muscle mass (along with exercise) which will increase your weight but reduce body fat percent. Also, proteins are difficult to digest thereby keeping you full for longer. Proteins also increase metabolic – build metabolism rate up to 35 percent. Consume lean protein sources such as fish, chicken breast, ground turkey, lean cuts of beef, soy, mushroom, tofu, legumes, beans, eggs, etc.

4. Include Fruits & Veggies for speed up metabolism

Fruits and veggies are loaded with dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals, and other phytonutrients that help to detoxify the body, suppress hunger, improve bowel movement, prevent cardiovascular diseases, and also increase the metabolic rate. It does so by reducing inflammation in the body. Inflammation is one of the reasons for slow metabolism and inflammation-induced obesity . Therefore, include green leafy and colorful veggies such as Chinese cabbage, spinach, kale, rocket spinach, cabbage, bok choy, celery, broccoli, tomato, bell pepper, beetroot, carrot, cauliflower, sweet potato, eggplant, etc. And for fruits have prunes, pear, apple, orange, tangerine, grapefruit, plum, lemon, pineapple, banana, avocado, black grape, blueberry, strawberry, raspberry, etc.

5. Consume Yogurt 

Yogurt is loaded with good gut bacteria that helps digestion. Scientists have also found that consuming a substantial amount of yogurt can help reduce fat deposition in the mid-section of your body . Improper digestion is often the reason for a slow metabolic rate. Therefore consuming yogurt can help improve digestion and increase the metabolic rate. Have yogurt with fruits for dessert or just a small cup of yogurt after your lunch to boost metabolism. As you know yogurt us fast digestion product it  works as an  Metabolism Booster

6. Eat Nuts

Nuts are rich in healthy fats, vitamins, and protein. Healthy fats help lower inflammation and therefore helps to reduce the risk of inflammation-induced obesity. Nuts improve metabolism, increases satiety, and help metabolize fat. Consume 4-6 soaked almonds in the morning with your breakfast. You can also snack on 30-35 in-shell pistachios (unsalted) or include walnuts, pine nuts, macadamia nuts, etc. in your yogurt or dark chocolate to give it an extra crunch and flavor boost your metabolism diet with Nuts.

7. Drink Water When You Wake Up

Water therapy works wonders. Make it a habit of drinking at least two glasses of water first thing after you wake up in the morning. This will help flush out the toxins through urine and stool, thereby reducing inflammation. In fact, scientists have found that drinking 2 liters of water every day can increase metabolic rate . So you should also keep yourself hydrated throughout the day to keep your metabolism kicking.

8. Mixed Workout Regimen

Do a mix of cardio, strength training, and weights to burn the calories. You can also swim, walk, go cycling, play a sport, run intermittently, dance, etc. to mobilize the fat and increase your metabolic rate.  If you want to boost your metabolism, you have to do physical exercise to keep your fat mobilization going.

9. Eat Every 2-3 Hours

Not eating enough can also slow down your metabolism. Because when you do not eat, your body goes into starvation mode and your brain signals the body to store all the calories. Therefore, your metabolism slows down, and you start gaining weight instead of losing it. So, eat healthy every 2-4 hours to keep your body from shifting to starvation mode. this habit will boost Metabolism Booster

10. Consume Omega-3-Fatty Acids

Omega-3-fatty acids are polyunsaturated fatty acids that help to reduce inflammation in the body. These days most foods that we consume contain an imbalanced ratio of omega-3-fatty acids and omega-6-fatty acids. Consuming foods that have a good amount of omega-3-fatty acids will help rebalance the ratio and help to improve metabolic rate . This, in turn, will help reduce weight. Consume fish oil, fish (with skin), flax seeds, spinach, soybean, walnut, caviar, chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, hemp seeds, and egg yolk.

11. Avoid Trans-Fats

Trans fats are harmful and can cause cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, insulin resistance, fatty liver, etc . Scientists have found that consuming foods containing trans fats can alter how nutrients are metabolized and absorbed in the body. It causes toxic buildup and inflammation, which ultimately results in a slow metabolism. Avoid foods such as a doughnut, fries, potato wafers, deep fried chicken, batter-fried foods, frozen pizza, margarine, cake frosting, non-dairy creamers, biscuits, frozen pasta, frozen lasagne, fried crunchy noodles, etc. So please try to avoid Junk food to boost speed up metabolism .

12. Get Enough Sleep

Not sleeping enough leads to a toxic buildup in the body, resulting in inflammation and slow metabolic rate. Lack of sleep is closely related to weight gain. Make sure you get at least 7-8 hours of sleep every day. Keep your mobile phone on night mode, shut down your computer, listen to soothing music. Healthy Sleep is best way to  booster your metabolism .

Here is a Daily Diet plan to boost your metabolism – metabolism booster

Boost your metabolism with diet matabolism booster


How This Works in increasing metabolism ?

This diet chart lists all the foods that will help boost your metabolism plus the meal timings, which is also a crucial factor. To be precise, there’s a gap of 2-3 hours between every meal and you should maintain it. It will keep the cells active.