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How many eggs a day should i eat for muscle building


How many eggs should I eat a day?

Are eggs healthy or not? This Blog on eggs is your one-stop shop for everything you need to know about eggs. More specifically eggs and overall health. So often I get asked by my clients alike – How many eggs should I eat a day?

I feel that this is another problem that is super India-specific. Nowhere else in the world will you see people freaking out so much about how many eggs you can eat in a day and similar topics. Firstly, it should be noted that eggs are not bad for you.

In fact, for both men and women, they SHOULD be crucial parts of a daily diet. Moreover for India, Sunday ho ya Monday, Roz Khao Ande should be a national slogan! for India, We’re some of the unhealthiest people in the world and a lot of that is thanks to the lack of protein in our diets.

Eggs are easily the best food for bodybuilding AND fat loss. Yes, I said fat loss. Remember fat loss comes from a combination of high protein diets and exercise.

The best food source when it comes to high protein diet is an EGG, WITH the EGG YOLK. So if you ever wondered whether you should only stick to egg whites, I highly suggest you press the play button! May this ARE EGGS HEALTHY OR NOT argument be destroyed once and for all. Science says this…

What science says about how many eggs a day / per day?

The science is clear that up to 3 whole eggs per day are perfectly safe for healthy people.

The more of it you eat, the less your body produces. For this reason, eating a few eggs won’t cause a high rise in cholesterol levels.

Let us know the types of cholesterol

  1. LDL ( Bad Cholesterol): LDL stands for low-density lipoproteins. It is called the “bad” cholesterol because a high LDL level leads to a buildup of cholesterol in your arteries.
  2. HDL ( Good Cholesterol): HDL stands for high-density lipoproteins. It is called the “good” cholesterol because it carries cholesterol from other parts of your body back to your liver. Your liver then removes the cholesterol from your body.

Great Source of dietary cholesterol is egg

the research made in science lab found that 70 % of human who consumes 5 to 6 eggs every single day found there is no sign of LDL ( Bad Cholesterol ) in their body but the remaining 30 % of the population there were bit raise in LDL but this raise was not harmful to life.

Should you consume eggs on a daily base for muscles growth?

the answer for this is YES. but only if you are a normal and healthy living person.

protein from eggs is the best kind of protein to recovery muscle breakdown and get lean muscles.

Egg York more

  1. raise in Testosterone: As Eggs contain all the daily bases required nutrition consuming eggs on daily bases will keep you testosterone level normal.
  2. more lean muscles mass. : As you, all know that Eggs is the high and best quality of protein available it will help you in building and repairing your muscles mass quicker.

5 Best Shoulder Exercises to grow fast shoulder


5 Best Shoulder Exercises to grow fast shoulder


In This Blog We will see those 5 best shoulder exercise to make shoulder growth faster

Let’s Begin with exercises your gym guides is always ready to help you anytime

1. Dumbbell Front Raise :

front raises shoulder exercise

  1. Pick a dumbbells and stand  the dumbbells on front of your thighs at arms length with the palms of the hand facing your thighs.
  2. While maintaining the torso stationary (no swinging), lift the left dumbbell to the front with a slight bend on the elbow and the palms of the hands always facing down. Continue to go up until you arm is slightly above parallel to the floor.
  3. Now lower the dumbbell back down slowly to the starting position as you simultaneously lift the right dumbbell.
  4. Perform this shoulder front raise exercise for 3 sets of 15 reps.


2. Dumbbell Lateral raise :

dumbell lateral raise side raise shoulder exercise

  1. Pick a couple of dumbbells and stand with a straight torso and the dumbbells by your side at arms length with the palms of the hand facing you.
  2. While maintaining the torso in a stationary position (no swinging), lift the dumbbells to your side with a slight bend on the elbow and the hands slightly tilted forward . Continue to go up until you arms are parallel to the floor.
  3. Lower the dumbbells back down slowly to the starting position as you inhale.
  4. Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions is 10 reps with 3 sets 


3. Bar Bell push press shoulder :

seated shoulder exercise push press


  1. Stand or sitting with feet shoulder-width apart and grip the bar with your fingertips, elbows pointing forward.
  2. Rest the bar on the front of your shoulders.
  3. Drop down into a shallow squat, centring your weight under the barbell.
  4. Press up through your heels.
  5. Drive the bar directly above your head until your arms are straight.
  6. Lower the bar down to your chest.

4. Reverse Flyers :

reverse flyer shoulder exercise

  1. Grab a pair of dumbbells and bend forward at your hips until your torso is nearly parallel to the floor.
  2. Set your feet shoulder-width apart. Let the dumbbells hang straight down from your shoulders, your palms facing each othe, with your arms slightly bent.
  3. Keeping your back flat and your torso sill, raise your arms straight out to your sides until they’re in line with your body. Don’t change the bend in your elbows. Pause, then slowly return to the starting position.
  4. repeat this shoulder exercise for 3 sets of 10 reps .

5. Up raise / Arnold Press :

arnold press shoulder

  1. Hold a pair of weights in front of your shoulders, palms facing your body. (The start position should look like the top portion of the dumbbell curl.)
  2. f you have lower-back problems or are just starting out, do this move on a chair or bench that offers back support.
  3.  Begin with less weight than you would use for overhead dumbbell presses; you can always adjust in your later sets.
  4. perform, Arnold press shoulder exercise with 3 sets of 15 reps 

10 Best Exercise for Beginners at gym


Best Exercise for Beginners at Gym

Before starting the process  your gym guides will help you to figure out is what kind of strength training you want to be doing.

Training Tips

A few tips to make your new training program work for you more effectively:

  • Stay hydrated! Be sure to drink at least the minimum recommended 8-10 glasses of water each and every day; dehydration can make you weak, and sick and less effective in the weight room. Drink a lot of water during your workout as well.
  • Eat a small, balanced meal with equal portions of lean protein (lean chicken, turkey, beef or fish) and complex carbohydrate (oats, rice) 30-60 minutes prior to each workout;
  • If also performing cardio work for weight loss, do so after you train with weights, not before; or at separate times of the day all together.
  • Keep a record of what you do, and when you do it.
  • Also, once you are on your way to being super fit, you can also take progress pictures, keep track of weight loss or gain progress, and measurements of all your body parts.

10 Best Exercise for Beginners

1. Running – Treadmill exercise (Cardio Exercise )

  1. To begin, step onto the treadmill and select the desired option from the menu.
  2. Do Run for 8 – 10 minutes on treadmill if you are fit and normal weight/ fat person , if you want to burn more amount of calories and fats daily you need to run at least 20 to 30 minutes.

Best Exercise for Beginners Treadmill running machine

2. Leg Press exercise ( Legs Exercise )

  1. Using a leg press machine, sit down on the machine and place your legs on the platform directly in front of you at a medium (shoulder width) foot stance.
  2. And just Lift and weight up… down up down and so on
  3. perform 1 set of 12 – 15 reps.

legs workouts legs workouts

3. lying leg curls  ( Legs Exercise)

  1. Adjust the machine lever to fit your height and lie face down on the leg curl machine with the pad of the lever on the back of your legs (just a few inches under the calves).
  2. Keeping the torso flat on the bench, ensure your legs are fully stretched and grab the side handles of the machine. Position your toes straight This will be your starting position.
  3. As you exhale, curl your legs up as far as possible without lifting the upper legs from the pad. Once you hit the fully contracted position, hold it for a second.
  4. As you inhale, bring the legs back to the initial position. Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions.

 lying leg curls best exercise for beginners


4. Wide- Grip Lat Pull Down (Shoulder and back )

  1. Sit down on a pull-down machine with a wide bar attached to the top pulley.
  2. Grab the bar with the palms facing forward using the prescribed grip.
  3. As you breathe out, bring the bar down until it touches your upper chest by drawing the shoulders and the upper arms down and back.
  4. After a second at the contracted position squeezing your shoulder blades together
  5. Repeat this motion for the prescribed amount of repetitions.
  6. perform 1 set of 12 to 15 reps.

best exercise for beginners bodybuilding lat pull down

5. Butterfly ( Chest )

  1. Sit on the machine with your back flat on the pad.
  2. Take hold of the handles. Tip: Your upper arms should be positioned parallel to the floor; adjust the machine accordingly. This will be your starting position.
  3. Push the handles together slowly as you squeeze your chest in the middle. Breathe out during this part of the motion and hold the contraction for a second.
  4. Return back to the starting position slowly as you inhale until your chest muscles are fully stretched.
  5. Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions.

Butterfly-machine-1 beginners exercise

6. Triceps push-Down- Rope

  1. Attach a rope attachment to a high pulley and grab with a neutral grip.
  2. Using the triceps, bring the rope down as you bring each side of the rope to the side of your thighs. At the end of the movement the arms are fully extended and perpendicular to the floor. The upper arms should always remain stationary next to your torso and only the forearms should move. Exhale as you perform this movement.
  3. After holding for a second, at the contracted position, bring the rope slowly up to the starting point. Breathe in as you perform this step.
  4. Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions.
  5. perform 1 set of 12 – 15 reps.

Best Exercise for beginners triceps push down

7. Biceps curls  ( Biceps )

  1. Stand (torso upright) with a dumbbell in each hand held at arms length. The elbows should be close to the torso and the palms of your hand should be facing your thighs.
  2. While holding the upper arm stationary, curl the right weight as you rotate the palm of the hands until they are facing forward. At this point continue contracting the biceps as you breathe out until your biceps is fully contracted and the dumbbells are at shoulder level. Hold the contracted position for a second as you squeeze the biceps. Tip: Only the forearms should move.
  3. Slowly begin to bring the dumbbell back to the starting position as your breathe in. Tip:Remember to twist the palms back to the starting position (facing your thighs) as you come down.
  4. Repeat the movement with the left hand. This equals one repetition.

AlternatingStandingDumbbell BicepsCurl

8. Shoulder Press

  1. Sit down on the Shoulder Press Machine and select the weight.
  2. Grab the handles to your sides as you keep the elbows bent and in line with your torso. This will be your starting position.
  3. Now lift the handles as you exhale and you extend the arms fully. At the top of the position make sure that you hold the contraction for a second.
  4. Lower the handles slowly back to the starting position as you inhale.
  5. Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions.

9. Abs Crunches machine

  1. Select a light resistance and sit down on the ab machine placing your feet under the pads provided and grabbing the top handles. Your arms should be bent at a 90 degree angle as you rest the triceps on the pads provided. This will be your starting position.
  2. At the same time, begin to lift the legs up as you crunch your upper torso. Breathe out as you perform this movement. Tip: Be sure to use a slow and controlled motion. Concentrate on using your abs to move the weight while relaxing your legs and feet.
  3. After a second pause, slowly return to the starting position as you breathe in.
  4. Repeat the movement for the prescribed amount of repetitions.

ab-crunch-machine-best-exericise for beginners

10. Air Bike or lying Cycling

  1. Just  lying down on yoga mat.
  2. Raise your leg into a cycling position.
  3. and start the exercise like if you are riding a cycle
  4. perform this abs training exercise for 1 set of 30 reps.


Best exercise for beginners

This are 10 best and easy exercise for beginners ( workout) at gym training







Best Workout Combination – Back and Bicep workout compound exercises


In this blog, we will learn Best Workout Combination for your back and bicep workout compound exercises 

It’s never too late to start your goal. Whatever may be your goal for fitness,  you just need a right guide.

A new day begins from the time you think to start and also give the effort to do it. So if you are planning to become fittest, then you must have a watch over these exercises.

Sp For building a lean and strong muscular body, it is also important to focus on nutrition. Without a proper nutritional diet plan, you will find tough to recover soon and land to a mess like muscle loss, slow recovery, slow development of muscles or even injury.

One thing to note down is that while working on back muscles there is also stress on biceps muscle, so if you train your back then you can also train your arms muscle for a better effect. Before starting your workout, you need a few minutes warm-up and stretching exercises.

After warm-up exercises, you can start your heavy weight training on back and biceps workouts.

biceps muscle first can exhaust your back muscles. So start with your back and finish it with your biceps muscle.

Back and Biceps workout compound exercises

Exercise 1: Lat pull-down

  1. Position your body on the bench and keep your knee to in 90 degrees. Along with it keep your feet flat on the ground.
  2. After sitting comfortably, pull the bar down keeping your grip outside to the shoulder or you can extend slightly.
  3. After that do chest up and lean you back slightly back. Now you are ready to pull the bar.
  4. While pulling it slowly pull the bar down with your elbow pointed down. Now slowly go up. This complete one reps.

Exercise 2: One Arm Row

Best Workout Combination back and biceps Best Workout Combination back and biceps


  1. Place your right leg on the bench and keep you back flat.
  2. Lift dumbbell with one hand and keep other on bench to give support.
  3. Pull the weight in your side in upward direction and complete 1 reps by lowering the dumbbell.


 Exercise 3: Seated Cable row 

 Exercise 3: Seated Cable row  Exercise 3: Seated Cable row

  1. To do this exercise you need to sit slightly away from the machine.
  2. Lean forward to hold the bar and go back to sit with back upright.
  3. Now squeeze your shoulder blade and keeping your elbow high pull the bar to your chest.


Exercise 4: Barbell Biceps curl


Best Workout Combination back and biceps Best Workout Combination back and biceps

  1. Stand up with holding the barbell
  2. Now slowly curl your barbell without moving arms with just forearms.

Exercise 5: Dumbbell Biceps Curl

Best Workout Combination back and biceps

  1. Stand up straight with holding the dumbbell by holding dumbbell side palm facing in
  2. Tuck your elbow to the sides while lifting the dumbbells.
  3. Turn your wrist at the top of the move.

Exercise 6: Biceps curl with pully

Biceps curl with pully Best Workout Combination back and biceps


  1. Hold the lower pully-bar standing straight
  2. Tuck your elbow to sides while lifting.
  3. Go slowly and without moving your elbow


Hope You Will enjoy this workout. And End tip to do is find your friend with the same goal and you will always be motivated to start and complete the workout.

Rest time between each set is 60 second and drop sets 1.30 minutes, back and bicep workout compound exercises





8 Vegetables High In Protein


20 Vegetables High In Protein

Replacing meat ( chicken`s ) with another source of protein can be a good change for the body. But by change in protein we don’t mean protein shakes or protein powder.

You might have heard that vegetables are not high in proteins , yes it’s true  , vegetables are not complete protein sources, but combining them with other veggies or combining them with eggs and dairy products can be a great way to boost your protein intake.

In this blog , we present you with a list of 20 vegetables that will help you boost your protein intake and provide you with fiber at the same time. so let’s start




 1.  Brussels Sprouts

Brussels Sprouts vegetable high protein

Protein amount: 2 grams in a half-cup serving
Brussels sprouts are  for having a not so great taste,but it has  lots of nutrients they pack a punch. Beside protein, they also have large amounts of vitamin K and potassium

 2.  Broccoli

Broccoli vegetable high protein

Protein amount: 2 grams in a half-cup serving
Broccoli offers an amazing amount of fiber and has an amazing amount of protein considering it’s a vegetable. Additionally, it’s been shown to have amazing anti-cancer

3.  Avocados

Avocados vegetables for high protein source

Protein amount: 2 grams in a half-piece of medium-sized avocado
Avocados are super tasty, creamy and incredibly satiating, all of it owing to its high content of monounsaturated fatty acids and a small amount of protein.

4.  Corn

Corn high protein and nutrition values

Protein amount: 3 grams in half a cup serving

it can make for a very nice and balanced plant-based meal.


5.  Spinach

Spinach_leaves good source of iron and protein

Protein amount: 4 grams in half-cup cooked serving
Four grams may not seem a big amount to you but considering it is a green vegetable, it sure is. These nutrients include ,vitamin C, niacin, riboflavin, and potassium. Cooked Spinach Benefits: When you eat spinach that has been heated, you will absorb higher levels of vitamins A and E, protein, fiber, zinc,, calcium, and iron.

6.  Pumpkin Seeds


Protein amount: 6 grams in a quarter cup serving
Pumpkin seeds are an excellent choice when it comes to having a healthy protein snack and they are filled with lots of minerals and provide half of the daily recommended magnesium intake, as well as zinc which boosts the immune system, omega-3 fatty acids, and tryptophan which can improve sleep quality.

7.  Chickpeas

chick-pea nutritional value and proteins vegetables-high in proteins

Protein amount: 7 grams in half cup serving

Chickpeas are an excellent source of both fiber and protein. A 1-ounce (28-gram) serving provides about 7 grams of protein, which is comparable to the protein content in similar foods like black beans and lentils

8.  Black Beans

black-bean- vegetables-high-proteins

Protein amount: 8 grams in a half-cup cooked serving

These beans have a high content of fiber, folate, potassium, vitamin B6 and various types of phytonutrients.

Top Muscle Building Vegetables You Should Be Eating for bodybuilding

Top Muscle Building Vegetables You Should Be Eating

If you want to help you build muscle, then you must not skip the muscle building vegetables that you should be eating.

First, you don’t necessarily need to eat huge amounts of muscle building green vegetables to get good results. A 1 cup serving with a few of the meals out of the day, you will be well on your way to meeting your nutrient needs.

do supply many of the essential nutrients that the body needs to properly generate muscle mass.

Let’s have a look at some of the top muscle building vegetables for the gym that you should Eat on a daily basis.


Broccoli is an edible green plant in the cabbage family whose large flowering head is eaten as a vegetable.

it is loaded with antioxidants that will help to fight off disease and is an excellent source of potassium that will keep your muscle contractions going strong. Add some Broccoli into your meal plans for muscles building.

Here is nutrition from the broccoli

Muscle Building Vegetables

Cabbage : 

Cabbage is a powerful muscle building vegetable that’s also going to really protect against cancer development.

something that we all should be somewhat concerned over.

Due to the fact that we are constantly exposed to a number of toxins in our system,

if you aren’t taking steps to protect yourself from these, you’re going to be at risk.

Eat red cabbage with your stir-fries or chopped into your salad.

Muscle Building Vegetables


Mushrooms are low in calories, high in fiber, and contain many important vitamins and minerals. Some also have medicinal properties such as complex carbohydrates that strengthen the immune system.

Muscle Building Vegetables


Few foods are as cool as a cucumber. These low-calorie veggies contain many nutritional benefits, including hydrating properties and valuable nutrients.

Cucumbers are good sources of phytonutrients (plant chemicals that have protective or disease preventive properties) such flavonoids, lignans and triterpenes, which have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer benefits, according to World’s Healthiest Foods.  There fore cucumber helps in Muscle Building so we have listed in  Vegetables

Muscle Building Vegetables


The Vegetable Spinach is a leafy green vegetable, that is Scientifically known as  Spinacia oleracea, it belongs to the amaranth family and is related to beets and quinoa.

Eating spinach in your daily diet plan will benefit eye health, reduce oxidative stress, help prevent cancer and reduce blood pressure levels.

Muscle Building Vegetables

5 Mistake to be Avoid at Gym -Common Gym Mistakes


Common Gym Mistakes

This is common with everyone who joins a gym without any proper form of guidance or knowledge, so do not feel as if you are the only one. We have all made silly and stupid training mistakes from performing strange exercises that weren’t beneficial to our routine

 1. Not Tracking  your progress :

The Biggest mistake people make in gym is that not keeping track of there progress . Tracking your progress is very important because you can check your weight rise and how your strength is performing and if its increasing. just recording your personal bests/records on exercises in your phone or in a notebook and just you need to keep all you body gains tracks . is Common Gym Mistakes

 2. A limited Training Method :

The next  mistake new gym members make is to do with a limited training method. When you first starts lifting weights, your are training for the feeling and the pump instead of actually training for the results. some people perform the same heavy compound exercises day after day. Bench press. Squats. Dead lifts Etc.  They perform these exercises with the same weight load and even in the same fashion, Therefore the body is adapting and becoming used to the routine so the results will slow down. So i recommend you to try new position to exercise and increase the weight as much as you can. is Common Gym Mistakes

3. Not Using Gym Machine ( Equipment ) Correctly :

mistake new gym goers make is not using the equipment correctly.   Just because a machine says what its designed to train in its name doesn’t mean that it only has one use. Find new ways to train and new ways to use the equipment. YouTube is a great resource for learning visually how to perform exercises with the correct form and how to make use of gym equipment.

 4. Misunderstanding the per repetition ranges :

Every One might have heard that reps between 6-8 will make you gain mass, and  to become more cut you should perform reps in the 12+ range. This is a silly mistake many make. Higher reps will provide a much higher time under tension to allow for greater blood flow to expand the muscle cells and allow for greater growth compared to training at a low rep range.

 5. Not giving enough body rest time : 

The last mistake many people make is not giving enough rest.  Most people who are new to the gym are most excited to build there muscles , so the just focus on workout on daily  with providing proper rest to body.  expect results fast and want them fast growth. It’s important to understand that when we lift weights, we are damaging muscle tissue and that the damaged tissue can only repair itself in a resting state.  In fact, you’ll see greater results lifting 4-5 days a week with proper rest time for recovery. such as shoulders or legs, I recommend allowing a recovery time of 48-72 hours.


Therefore these are 5 simple common mistake made by new gym joiner. is Common Gym Mistakes




6 Reason ( Benefits ) to drink beer

In this blog we will know  6 Reason ( Benefits )  to drink beer

 6 Reason ( Benefits ) to drink beer

Here are six ways beer can keep you healthy

 1. Beer is good for your heart :

According to Harvard University,  more than 100 studies found an association between moderate drinking and a 25 to 40 percent reduced risk of heart attack or death from cardiovascular disease.

 2.  Reduce Cholesterol :

A study recently found that moderate( average amount ) beer consumption can increase HDL, or healthy cholesterol.

 3. Improves Bone Density :

Studies have found that beers have a high amount of silicon, which contributes to bone and connective-tissue health.   dietary silicon was crucial for bone and skeletal tissue strength. Beer contains a high level of malted barley’s and hops. Both these foods are the rich sources of silicon. According to the National Institutes of Health, dietary silicon is important for the growth and development of bone and connective tissue and it helps reduce the risk of bone thinning disease.

4. Reduces Diabetes  :

15 studies on moderate alcohol consumption and Type 2 Diabetes risk, the American Diabetes Association found a 30 percent reduced risk of type 2 diabetes . It’s important to note that a standard 12-ounce ( 350 ml ) beer contains about 14 grams of alcohol—so drink responsibly if you want these health benefits.

5. Beer prevent you from kidney Stone :

While some people worry beer can cause kidney stones, other people have heard that beer helps kidney stones.So, is it true? , some research showing that drinking in moderation can prevent the formation of kidney stones.  One study found that beer intake has an inverse relationship with this painful ailment, with each bottle consumed per day estimated to reduce your risk for it by 40 percent.

6. Stay more Regular to your workout schedule :

Whether you believe it or not, but scientific studies have proved that drinking moderately (a glass of beer) makes you more regular to your workout schedule.


This are the 6 Reason ( Benefits ) you should start to drink beer.  but don’t be  alcoholic , Limited consumption of beer is good , but not cross the limit.

There are some pics that that you can share with friends




Why Sugar is bad and 5 top natural sugar



In this Blog post we will know Why sugar is bad to our body and 5 top natural sugar that you need.

What is Sugar ?

Sugar, Sugar is generic name of sweet-tasting carbohydrates.

Sugar now a days is a product  used to make other sweet products, Therefore 60 % of Deceases in our body is due to consuming lots of sugar on daily bases.

Because people think sweetness can only be got from adding sugar, This is not true.

Note: Remember that natural sweet & sugar are both two separate thing.

sweet product which made of Natural sweet, are healthy .

sweet product which made of Artifical sugar , are unhealthy.


University of California , Professor Robest Lustig  studies about medical and health related topic ,He  Says that sugar in our body works same as Alcohal , Sugar is very dangerous. Robest Lustig is the one who took action not to use sugar in  produce sweet.

Deceases caused by consuming more sugar  produce 

  1. Diabetes
  2. High Blood pressure
  3. Fat
  4. Weight Gain
  5. Sexual Weakness
  6. Heart Deceases and more

Lets Know Why sugar is so harmful

As you know that Sugar is made from Sugarcane. you might ask me question that sugarcane  have many benefits and high in nutritions  in it, and it’s true,

But In the process of  preparing sugar using sugarcane all the nutrition found in sugarcane is destroyed and in turn in sugar factory they add some harmful chemicals into sugar.  so sugar is very dangerous to health.

If We see in sugar, other then sweetness and chemical there is nothing in sugar rather, that means in sugar we can’t find  : Vitamin , Protein , minerals is 0 %.

Here are 5 top sugar substitutes( Natural sugar )

5 top sugar substitutes( Natural sugar )

 1. Raw Honey              honey raw honey natural sugar

2. Stevia 

Stevia natural sugar


3. Dates


dates_natural sugar


4. Coconut Sugar 


Coconut Sugar  natural


5. Maple syrup 



Conclusion :

Therefore in this blog we learned Why Sugar is bad and 5 top natural sugar

What Happens To Your Body If You Eat Eggs Every Day

See What Happens To Your Body If You Eat Eggs Every Day.

Eggs are one of the healthiest foods on Earth, They are cheap and easily available , They are also rich in essential nutrients which our body requires on a daily basis.  Eat Eggs Every Day

Our body produces 11 essential fatty acids on its own, but eggs contain the 9 missing fatty acids our body needs.

Lacking these 9 essential fatty acids is not a simple problem and may be responsible for headaches, muscle mass and weakened immune system. Therefore it is  recommend consume eggs every day if you want your body functioning properly.  Eat Eggs Every Day


Eggs are rich in choline, a powerful compound which is essential for proper cognitive function. According to several studies, choline deficiency can increase the risk of dementia (Memory loss ) , Alzheimer’s and other neurological disorders as well as cognitive impairment.


As we mentioned before, eggs contain essential fatty acids which can improve your mental health and stimulate the production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter responsible for feeling calm and good you feel healthy .


Consuming only a couple of eggs a day can fight infections as they are rich in selenium, a compound which is vital for your immune system and regulates the function of your thyroid.


The notion that eggs are bad for your health due to the high cholesterol content isn’t true. One large egg contains 212 mg of cholesterol, but this doesn’t mean that eggs will raise the “bad” kind in the blood . Eggs can actually improve your cholesterol profile.


They contain numerous vitamins from the B group which are great for our skin and hair and for the proper function of our liver and eyes. Eggs are especially rich in vitamin B2 and B12, which are required for proper cognitive function and a healthy nervous system. B-complex vitamins are also necessary for healthy skin, hair, eyes, and liver.


They are rich in 2 powerful antioxidants known as lutein and zeaxanthin, which improve your vision and maintain your eye health. Besides this, they significantly reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration as well as cataract.  Eat Eggs Every Day


They are a highly satiating food which will make you feel full for longer and prevent you from overeating. They are the perfect breakfast food – according to a study, people who eat eggs for breakfast consume fewer calories later in the day. You’ll Lose Fat % .