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How To Protect Your Positive Vibes – My Lifehacks


Hello Superstars. I thought about it a lot and I decided to share my lifehacks with you. Why? Because I believe you.

How To Protect Your Positive Vibes – My Lifehacks

Positive Vibes are someone or something that give you good feeling on someone or on something you do.

1. Don’t seek other people’s approval or validation

Don’t let your life choices be determined by other’s opinions

2. Don’t compare yourself with others

Do you find yourself comparing yourself to others often? … You don’t know what they’ve been through, and instead you should be happy.

3. Don’t talk negatively about yourself

Negative self-talk can be damaging to your body, your mind, and your life, and it … where they don’t have the ability to reach the goals they’ve set for themselves.

4. Don’t wallow in self-pity

5. Don’t depend on others for their happiness

As the line say Don’t depend to much on others and i said  Don’t let your life choices be determined by other’s opinions

6. Don’t waste your time

Don’t waste your time on what happened yesterday. It is time to focus on the future. Don’t waste your time dwelling on what has happened.

7. Don’t dwell on past mistakes.

The time that you spend thinking about past mistakes is draining your mental … There are TONS of experiences you’ve had in life that don’t really

8. Don’t go through the day without a plan.

Write things down, and allow each day to have a purpose.

9. Don’t do emotionally draining activities.

10. Don’t worry about things they can’t control.

If you waste a lot of time worrying about things you can’t control

11. Don’t hang out with negative people.

Don’t let negative and toxic people rent space in your life

12 .Do something useful for your health and body

Go to gym do some exercises like cardio,weight training and many other physical exercises that will improve you life.

Sunday A Rest day – what to do on rest days to fast muscles recovery?


Taking a rest day every three to five days is recommended. You’re going to want to take more regular days of rest if you do intensive exercise. By doing a light workout, including gentle stretching, you can also have an active rest day. To decide when to rest.

get enough rest common gym mistakes
Resting is very much important , Because all your broken muscles get repaired when you get better quality rest /sleep

Resting is very much important , Because all your broken muscles get repaired when you get better quality rest /sleep

What to do on Rest Days Sunday?

1. Stretch and foam roll.

Stretching and foam rolling both help reduce lactic acid that may have built up throughout your muscles after hard workouts and long runs.

2. Fuel your body.

Eat Healthy food every day as specially on rest day because on that day to boost up your muscles recovery process you need to fuel you body with some healthy nutritient food.

Rest day does not mean eat whatever you like unhealthy oily food.

drink some healthy drinks on rest day sunday
drink some healthy drinks

make some smoothie or fruit slad.

3. Get Some massage spa

Heading to the spa can be a pampering treat, but it can also be a huge boost to your health and wellness! Massage therapy can relieve all sorts of ailments – from physical pain, to stress and anxiety. People who choose to supplement their healthcare regimen with regular massages will not only enjoy a relaxing hour or two at the spa, but they will see the benefits carry through the days and weeks after the appointment!

  1. Reduce Stress. A relaxing day at the spa is a great way to unwind and de-stress. …
  2. Improve Circulation. …
  3. Reduce Pain. …
  4. Eliminate Toxins. …
  5. Improve Flexibility. …
  6. Improve Sleep. …
  7. Enhance Immunity. …
  8. Reduce Fatigue.

4. Go for a walk

Go for a nice little sunday rest day walk with you partner.

get a walk
get a walk

5. Watch a movie.

Whether its a chick flick, comedy,thriller, watch a movie you love and enjoy your rest day time.

watch a movie on rest day
watch a movie on rest day

10 things losers says that successfull people never thinks off.


10 things losers says that successfull people never thinks off.

1. I will Start Monday

leg workouts sexy legs

‘Never Miss a Monday’ Is the Only Fitness Rule I Follow. Working out on Monday means I start my week feeling like I accomplished at least one big thing.

2. It’s not my Fault

never blame your Fault on other.

its not my fault
its not my fault


3. I Can’t Do it.

Forget mistakes,Forget Failure,Forget Everything Except what you’re going to do now and do it.today you can do Great things.

i can do it quotes
Say i can do it quotes


4. It’s not Fair

5. I don’t have time.

There is no one busy in this world. it’s always about priorities.you will always find time for things you feel important.

6. Impossible.

Nothing is Impossible, where the word itself says i`m possible.Nothing is impossible; there are ways that lead to everything, and if we had sufficient will we should always have sufficient means.

7. You Suck.

you should do it even if it suck you. Just do it even if you suck.

8. They Got Lucky.

Remember that sometimes not getting what you want  is a wonderful stroke of luck.

9. I am Tried.

Every time you feel tired, remind yourself of why you are doing

Losers quit when they’re tired.

Never quit
Never quit

10. Easy for you to say.


Deadlift Grip – which grip is better for perfect deadLift?

Deadlift is one of the best deadlift exercise form you can do to build up your strength and  size,they literally work almost every single muscles in the body, you should really consider doing deadlift Grip exercise,if you don’t already started.

Even if you are new ,you would have known about this extremely common deadlift exercise’s performed by bodybuilders or any average bodybuilder trainer.

you understand that dead lifting , is one of he most do exercise to get closer to looking in better body shape. deadlift also increase boost your testoserone level.

The Sumo Deadlift exercise perfect form variation

Which Deadlift Grip is better for perfect deadlift?

The two grips commonly used for deadlifts are the overhand grip and the mixed grip. there’s heaps of difference of opinion within the fitness community relating to which sort of is better holding. many of us can naturally grip a deadlift barbell using an overhand grip, with each palms facing toward their body.

Which Deadlift Grip is better ?

  1. Overhand Grip.
  2. Mixed Grip.

deadlift grip

1. OverHand Grip

An overhand grip is when you hold onto a bar with your palms facing toward your body. This is also called a pronated grip. In overhand grip hand position on the deadlift bar will be pronated, Means both the hand will be hold in pronated form.

Overhead Grip

  • Decrease the risk of biceps tear
  • Their is proper balance when you hold Overhand( No Imbalance (symmetrical)).
  • If you hold bar overHand grip then deadlift can’t be done with heavy weight.
  • Grip may will out of control if you hold overhand grip when you on heavy weight.

2. Mixed Grip

An underhand grip is also called a supinated grip or a reverse grip.

As the name suggests, a mixed grip involves gripping the bar with one palm facing toward you (overhand) and the other one facing away from you (underhand). The mixed grip is mostly used for the deadlift.

Mixed Grip or Reverse Grip

  • You will be able to easily lift heavier deadlift weight.
  • mixed grip will give you stronger hold to bar.
  • But Increase risk of biceps tear.
  • Can create an imbalance in holding deadlift bar.


How to Gain muscles mass ? 3 Rules to muscle gain faster


When you want to gain both weight and muscle mass, you will need to make dietary and exercise changes to help you reach your long-term goals. Choosing healthier foods and performing the right types of exercises can help you gain weight safely and build more lean muscle mass. You do not want to gain an unhealthy amount of weight or use unhealthy foods to help support your weight gain. Having the right combination of calories and exercise will help you gain weight safely and build muscle mass.

How to gain muscles? you need to follow 3 rules from now.

1. EAT MORE to gain Muscles.

which food contains the most protein
which food contains the most protein

You need to consume food that is high in nutrition. I Recommend

30% of PROTEIN | 50% CARBS | and 20% of FATS.

Check out articles on best protein food for muscle gain in home

Even you can check out 6 Best Carbs for muscle gain, how to gain muscle?

Carbohydrates are attending to be what provides your body with all the energy that’s needed to not solely perform the method of muscle building itself,  however conjointly to perform those arduous workouts within the athletic facility.

healthy fat food to get a lean body.

2. LIFT HEAVY to Gain Muscles.

Dumbell Bench press too heavy weight
Don’t lift to Heavy Dumbell Bench press ( don’t cross your limits

Add weight each week to exercises.

Focus on compound lifts

what is a compound lift?

Compound lifts are any strengthening exercises where you’re using more than one muscle group at the same time. They include exercises such as squats and deadlifts, and there are plenty of benefits to be had from doing them: They’re efficient – by working in several areas at once, you can save time.

5-8 exercises per workout.

Slow and fast Reps.

How to Lift Weights to gain Build Muscle –  Very Important Breathing

Breathing is one of the most important tips on how to lift weights to build muscle and can make your workouts so much better. Let’s take the bench press as an example; when you pull the bar down, inhale and when you push it upwards, exhale.

You will be surprised to notice how this technique on how to lift weights to gain build muscle can make an epic difference in all your workouts.

3.RECOVER to Gain Muscles.

Sleep 8 hours a night.

get enough rest common gym mistakes
Resting is very much important , Because all your broken muscles get repaired when you get better quality rest /sleep

Drink 3-5 liter of water per day to recover muscles faster.

Rest 1-2 Days per week.

Do a full-body Muscles on Rest days, this will improve blood flow in the body.

4. Train full-body to Gain Muscles

full body workout

Keep balance by full body workout, Rather than just focusing on legs or arms, make sure your training routine incorporates all of your muscle groups. For example: abs, back, shoulders, glutes, etc. This way, you will gain muscle across the body, ensuring strength is distributed evenly. Customise your training programme to suit you, but we recommend you group muscles you’ll focus on together, such as back and biceps, to make sure your training regime stays on track. Learn more about which muscles to focus on when working out for all-over muscle gain here, including sample training regimes.


leg workout only with dumbbells

A leg workout with dumbbells at home with limited weights can be tough.

Dumbbell exercises for legs target the upper, lower and inner thigh muscles as well as the calf muscles (calves).

I recommend still doing the basic exercises you would do at the gym like squats, lunges and dead lifts but with slight differences to use dumbbells instead of a barbell.

As with most exercises when trying to develop definition, do 3 – 4 sets of 8 – 12 reps each. The only difference will be for dead lifts and hamstring curls where you will do 10 – 12 reps.

Browse through the various Leg workout with dumbbells below:

  • Squat
  • Reverse Lunge
  • Stiff Legged Dead Lift
  • Toe Raise
  • One Legged Toe Raise
  • Seated One Legged Toe Raise


  • Stand up and hold one dumbbell with both hands in front of your thighs.
  • Lower your body by bending your knees until they form a 90 degree angle and raise yourself back up after a short pause.
  • Keep your upper body steady throughout.
squat exercise full body workout at home
Squats Exercise

Reverse Lunge

  • Stand up and hold one dumbbell on each hand along the sides of your body, palms facing your body.
  • Place a foot back and bend your knees in order to bring down your body until your knees form 90 degree angles and raise yourself back up after a short pause.
  • Keep your upper body steady throughout.
legs workouts
Split Squat

Stiff Legged Dead Lift

  • Stand up and hold one dumbbell in each hand against the sides of your body, palms facing each other.
  • Lower the dumbbells by bending your hips forward and raise yourself back up again after a short pause.
  • Keep your back straight throughout.
Stiff Legged Dead Lift
Stiff Legged Dead Lift

Toe Raise

  • Stand up and hold one dumbbell in each hand against the sides of your body, palms facing each other.
  • Lift your heels from the ground by pushing on your toes and lower yourself back down after a short pause.
  • Keep the rest of your body still throughout.

Seated One Legged Toe Raise

  • Sit down on the bench, place the front of one of your feet on top of the step and hold a dumbbell with both hands on top of that foot’s thighs.
  • Raise the dumbbell by standing on your toes and slowly lower them back down after a short pause. Alternate feet after your set.
  • Make sure that only the calf muscles are exercising.
How to use all of these? 
Perform TWO squats, one lunge, one dead lift, and one calf raise exercise. Add to these the following two leg workout with dumbbells:

Leg Routine with dumbbells only

Leg Routine Part 1 – Squats

There are three forms that work well. Regular dumbbell squats are done with the weights held one in each hand beside you as you go down to at least a 90 degree angle in your legs. Goblet squats are much the same except the position of the weight. Hold a dumbbell in front of your upper chest with both hands when doing the squat. This is very much like a front squat. The Bulgarian split squat is a one-legged squat done with your back leg on a bench as you squat with the front leg only. Check the link for a complete description and picture.

Leg Routine Part 2 – Lunges

There are four versions. Regular lunges are described in a previous article. Reverse lunges are done by moving in the opposite direction. Stand holding a dumbbell in each hand by your sides, palms facing you. Place one foot back and lower your body until both knees form a 90 degree angle. Pause and push yourself upright.
Stationary Lunges are done in the same way as reverse lunges except your feet do not move from their positions. Keep one foot in front and one behind you and lower yourself as before. Do all reps for one leg before switching positions.
Side Lunges follow the same procedure as a regular lunge but the foot placement when stepping will be sideways.

Leg Routine Part 3 – Dead Lift

With using dumbbells, I would recommend stiff legged dead lifts. Hold a dumbbell in each hand instead of a barbell across your shoulders and perform a regular dead lift with your legs kept straight throughout the movement.

Leg Routine Part 4 – Calf Raise

You can do a basic calf raise while holding dumbbells and standing on the edge of a stairs or a 2 x 4. Do them with both legs at once or one leg at a time. The other variation is to do them while sitting and place a dumbbell on your knee when lifting.

How to bulk Up | Weight Gain if you are a skinny Guy

Steps to get into bulk/weight gain

Here are 8 top tips how can you get into bulk up the shape

1. Increase your calories intake

Keep an Aim to eat below carbs food every day with at least three meals. The Best 6 Carbohydrates For Your Muscle Building Diet Plan.

which food contains the most protein
which food contains the most protein

2.  Hit the weight Hard

How to Lift Weights to Gain Build Muscle?

left heavy weight
left heavyweight

It’s a bit Easy for the bodybuilder to lift heavy weight because they are working with heavyweight for a long period of time. There are several techniques and tips on how to lift weights to gain build muscle that all the successful bodybuilders and fitness models make use of. They know the importance of the right techniques and how that can help them skyrocket their results.

3. Keep your reps high.

If you train with high repsyour goal is to build a bigger muscle. Depending on your goals, you may want to do more reps with less weight, or the opposite. … improve muscular endurance, while higher weights with fewer reps are used … Most women’s hormone composition will keep them from dramatically

more amount of reps
more amount of reps

4. Try some DropSets.

What a drop set is, basically after your muscles are fatigued, you’re going to drop the weight and continue to work out reps until you fatigue that muscle even more and more. Now a drop set is not something you’re going to use very often because it really breaks down your muscle. It’s something you’ll always want to use near the end of your workout. Like while your body’s already fatigued and tired and you still want to knock out a couple more reps you drop the weight off of whatever exercise you’re doing and you continue and you continue, and continue, and continue. Once you fatigue again you drop it down and keep going.

5. Get some enough cardio.

Do some cardio exercise.

skipping cardiovascular exercises
skipping cardiovascular exercises

You Can perform this listed cardio exercise at home or even at the gym this all cardio exercise needs only 30 minutes of your whole day.

Cardio exercises 

6. Do incorporate Compound movement

You can also do compound exercises that combine two exercises into one move to target even more muscles

Compound exercises are exercises that work for multiple muscle groups at the same time. For example, a squat is a compound exercise that works the quadriceps, glutes, and calves.

check this out

7. Sleep 7-8 Hours.

Rest is as important as the workouts you do at the gym. In order for your muscles to grow, you must give your body adequate time to recover from the stress you put on your biceps or any other muscle group. Make sure you get 8 hours each night. Resting is very much important Because all your broken muscles get repaired when you get better quality rest /sleep

how much time should i sleep after gym for better recovery

9. Get Lean First, and then try to get a clean bulk up

The first reason to start by getting lean is that it will optimize your hormone levels for building mass. Allow me to explain… In other words, when you cut fat and get lean, you optimize your hormone levels. First off, you raise your testosterone levels.

Hrithik Roshan Bodybuilding Tips
Hrithik Roshan Bodybuilding Tips



The biggest problem with BUILD MUSCLE is that it can take a really long time. There are, however, certain ways you may be able to accelerate the process. Use the tips below to make sure you are approaching the muscle building process correctly, and ensure that you are able to pack on more size as quickly as possible.

Check out the tips below to speed up your muscle growth!

1. Eat, Eat, Eat to build muscles

eat eat eat high nutritional food -min
eat eat eat high nutritional food -min

Eating good amount of nutritions food with high amount of protein in it will really help you in building muscles, so keep in mind 30% of workout and 70% of high nutritional food is the best practice to build muscles faster.

2. Heavy & Light to build muscles

left heavy weight
left heavy weight

When you train using higher reps, you use aerobic energy more than when training with lower reps,Using higher reps is really good if you train for any kind of endurance sport.

if you want to work on one specific part of your body, for instance, your butt, lifting heavier weights can get you the results you’re looking for. Depending on your goal, you should choose a heavier load on exercises that target the body part you want to strengthen or sculpt.

3. Sleep to build muscles

how much time should i sleep after gym for better recovery

Sleeping for 7-9 hours per night is crucial, especially if you are looking to change body composition, increase BUILD MUSCLE  mass and/or if you want to be ready for your personal training session the next day. Sleep enhances muscle recovery through protein synthesis and human growth hormone release.

4. Supplements

best supplements for crossfit Athletes
best supplements for crossfit Athletes

I recommend certain supplements because they can help you fill gaps in your nutrition and take your body to the next level, where food alone can’t get you.

You should always focus on whole food first, but once you are maxed out with the food you can eat, or if your schedule doesn’t let you eat a regular meal at certain times of the day, supplements can be a great help.

5. Relieve Stress

fidget spinner to Relieve Stress
fidget spinner to Relieve Stress

Relieve Stress is the main reason my peoples are not able to build muscles.This is obviously not good if your goal is to build muscle. Therefore, find ways to relieve stress and relax now and then to help lower your body’s stress levels. Whether it’s going to the beach, watching a movie, reading a book, going for a walk, etc, find what works for you and add it to your regular routine.

6. Without Plan bodybuilding is not possible

without pain bodybuilding is impossible
without pain bodybuilding is impossible

Having a plan is something a lot of people talk about and very few people actually do. Without a plan your odds of building muscle are extremely low, and whatever you do put on will be happen slowly.

Your body will stop when it gets tired if there is no set goal. If you do have a set number in mind, you’ll be more likely to push through even when you get tired because you have a clear goal to hit.

7. Get A Gym Partner

workout gym partner
workout gym partner

There are more ways than ever before to find a training partner. Of course, you can ask at your own gym. The people who run the desk may know of someone who’s looking to pair up, or might be open to it; they may also have a bulletin board you could post a notice on, or a Facebook page where you could post a request.

8. Don’t Neglect Cardio

does cardio burn muscle
does cardio burn muscle ? yes it burn some muscles .. so recommend to do cardio one day in a week

You don’t need ‘cardio‘ to have a healthy heart. … So the harder your muscles work, and the more muscles you work, the harder your heart and lungs work. Your muscles run your heart, not the other way around. It really does not matter what you do with your muscles — if enough of them work hard enough you’re doing “cardio.

9. Hire A Coach

Hire a gym coach
Hire a gym coach

So a role of a trainer is to help in planning for making the goal a reality with a suitable fitness regime, short term steps, nutrition and then be there to follow up, support and motivate this person during the journey. Another quite popular reason for hiring a fitness coach is to have a training buddy.

10. Wrapping Up

The true patience mentality will allow you to understand building muscle is a long process, but it doesn’t stop you from going all out everyday. Instead, being patient is just a mechanism to ensure you don’t quit prematurely, because if you do you’ll surely never get where you want to go.


gym etiquette | 10 gym rules you must know

We’ve rounded up our top sources on the big do’s and don’ts of the gym world and we’ve come up with an essential list to make the gym a happy environment for everyone to be in and feel at home!

10 Gym Rules you must know | Gym etiquette

  1. You don’t talk about Lifting.
  2. Sending text message in the gym won’t help you in building muscles.
  3. Don’t scream at your first Rep, if you’re about yo do 10 more.
  4. Whatever a gym bro tell you is 10% Facts- 100%is Bro science.
  5. Come in the gym with a goal. A Fitness Goal, Not the desire to get Laid.
  6. Rerack your weights, Nobody will do it for you.
  7. Don’t Leave your sweat on the bench.
  8. You Don’t Stop your set when you’re tired. you stop it when you’re done!
  9. Come in the Gym to exercise,Talking is not an exercise.
  10. Go Hard or Go Home.

Muscle Gain building muscles – Most People are Working out Wrong

The muscles are AN integral a part of the physical body. The muscles comprise an outsized a part of the body’s mass that explains why we tend to might move most elements of our body. folks suppose that solely the limbs are concerned in movement however it’s actually a mixture of the various muscles within the limbs that provide the limbs its movement.

Muscles will be found in all of the elements and organs of the human body. analysis has shown that males are created up of forty second voluntary muscles whereas females are created of 365 days. These figures don’t embody the involuntary muscles like the heart and abdominal.

abs training

It is argued that the muscles have the largest capacity for strength evidenced by the nonstop pumping of blood by the heart. Proper conditioning of your body will result in massive muscle gain.

You are different then Other don’t compair

All of us humans are born with an equivalent muscles. they begin out tiny but grow as we tend to go on with our lives. Our different activities contribute to its growth and also justify why we’ve got different sizes at sure points of our lives.

When our daily activities fail to boost our muscles, we tend to do supplemental activities like exercise and training so as to build up our muscles. All of the exercises may be done in the athletic facility or at home. the only difference is that we’d like a touch little bit of improvisation at home but the results are constant.

Consume High anoumt of protein Food

Muscle gain may be achieved by following a daily routine of activities as well as intake only prescribed amounts of food during each meal. you may also set a limit to the calorie intake rather than the prescribed foods. Whey protien supermolecule  / whey protein and different nutrient supplements can also be taken so as to boost the muscle gain of the body.

egg protein
egg protein

6 carbs Food That help you in muscle gain.

To achieve muscle gain, the muscle must first exhaust its natural resources to the point of fatigue. Afterwards, the muscle repairs itself to a point where exhaustion is achieved only after an extended period of time.

Best Supplements for men Muscle gain and Weight loss

Best Supplements for men Muscle gain and Weight loss


A trainer would greatly help in achieving the required muscle mass. Trainers can supervise the daily exercises to be performed as well as the foods that are consumed for every day. Trainers also will provide the mandatory motivation in order for the person to hang on.

muscles gain mistakes
muscles gain mistakes

3 Best Healthy Protein Shake Recipes to Gain Muscle

Lean body Muscle Gain

Having a lean and toned body is achieved though muscle gain. Imagine going to the beach and having people staring and admiring your body. The experience is priceless and the hard work truly pays off and boosts your confidence and your health. I’ve prepared some powerful body building and fitness secrets for you below, enjoy!

How to Lift Weights to Gain Build Muscle – How Bodybuilders Do It


To Read more about Muscle gain Click HERE