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Five Amazing Benefits of Using Powerlifting Wrist Wraps

Wrists are a delicate system of small bones, ligaments, and tendons.. It’s a sophisticated joint that comes under immense pressure during strenuous exercises like weightlifting in general and powerlifting in particular. 

There is a lot of internal ability to turn, twist and bend in our wrists, but there is a limit. There is a limit to the wrist’s ability to lift, endure and withstand acute twisting. When that limit is crossed and happens in powerlifting, you can have sprains, inflammation, and joint dislocation. 

Wrist wraps strengthen the wrists with their external support mechanism. They keep the joint in a neutral position by applying ample pressure through their stiff stretch, making lifting safer, and much more convenient.

If you are a powerlifter or you plan to become on, this is one accessory you must have in your gear. Strong wrists will help build strong arms and you need them to lift massive weights during intense competitions. And strong arms look awesome too! So a pair of wrist wraps is necessary for you. 

Never a waste of money. Rather, they are the best bang for your bucks. 

What are Wrist Wraps

what are wrist wraps
what are wrist wraps

Wrist wraps are simple accessories for athletes in general and powerlifters in particular. Wrist wraps are bands made from elastic fabric; usually, Velcro and come in different lengths. The elasticity or stretching ability of the wraps is not always the same. There are stiff and loose bands: you can buy the one that suits your particular needs. 

The different lengths of the bands allow users to customise their wrist wraps according to the need of the workout. They usually come with a thumb loop for extra support and compact fitting. They are great for a firm fitting around the wrist.

The wrist wraps also come in various widths. As a serious lifter, you will have to put in a great amount of thought and consideration when buying a simple, yet useful accessory like a wrist wrap. 

Efficacy of Wrist Wraps for Powerlifting

Efficacy of Wrist Wraps for Powerlifting
Efficacy of Wrist Wraps for Powerlifting

Powerlifting is hardcore: it’s all about power, strength, and endurance. It is not a child’s play or a beginner’s shot: powerlifting asks for extreme and long-term strength training. Only after a good period of fitness training can you get in the shape to pull through powerlifting moves swiftly. 

Powerlifting, as the name suggests, is all about heavyweight lifting. It includes just three lifting maneuvers- bench press, back squats, and deadlifts. Anyone who has even the slightest idea of lifting will know that these moves are dead- difficult. They put immense pressure on the entire upper body (they are compound exercises), but the wrists get the worst hit. 

Powerlifting is essentially different from CrossFit or Olympic lifting, where you need quite a lot of wrist extension to pull the moves. Powerlifting is about lifting to your limits. It’s about testing your strength and endurance limits. No wrist maneuvering is involved; you need the wrist to be able to support the massive load in your hands.  

Now the wrist joint is a very flexible yet very sophisticated joint in its structure and the ability to twist and endure. It’s a delicate bond of interdependent bones and ligaments, which can do a marvelous job while lifting heavy weights as long as the joint is stable and upright in position. 

Powerlifting will definitely be breaking some comfort boundaries, and that’s why you will need extra support with wrist wraps. Wrist injuries can happen when your wrists come under massive pressure of the barbells. These protective wraps help by maintaining an upright position of the delicate wrist joint. 

Most lifters use wrist wraps during bench press, but they are quite amazing in squats too. They make lifting easier and safer. Back squats will put immense pressure on your wrists: wrists are indeed relieved when the barbell rests on your shoulders, but to and from that point, your wrists are under attack. Wraps help keep the joints in their right place and hedge against dislocation hazards. 

Benefits of Wrist Wraps

Benefits of Wrist Wraps
Benefits of Wrist Wraps

Wrist wraps are not worn to show off one more fancy accessory in your gym gear: they are the most-needed items while taking a dead shot at weightlifting. 

Provides Joint Stability

Joint stability is very important when it comes to powerlifting. This weight lifting style knows no boundaries: you lift as much as possible. There are many accessories to help weightlifters during this extreme exercise, and wrist wraps are probably the simplest and most efficient. 

The stress on your wrists during powerlifting is understandable; you would not want the joint limping or cocking backward under pressure. The slightest twisting or anything going beyond the upright posture can wreak havoc in the system of bones and ligaments in the wrist joint and the joining muscles. 

Wrist wraps go around the wrists providing firm external support to withstand the pressure of powerlifting. The bones, ligaments, and tendons are supported to remain neutral, which is a huge favor for a powerlifter.

Pushes You to Go Beyond Your Fatigue Limits

Powerlifters have to increase endurance levels constantly. They need to push themselves beyond their comfort zones frequently. Lifting huge weights and doing reps can fatigue muscles all over the body. Smaller muscles ( wrists and forearms) will fatigue sooner than larger muscles. 

The wrists (small muscle) connect the weight to the forearms muscles and other muscles in the body. If your wrists are supported and upright, they will likely fatigue later, and so will the other muscles in the body. 

Allows Quicker Return Post-Injury

Doctors frequently prescribe wrist wraps after wrist injuries. The reason lies in the supporting system of the wraps. The external support helps keep the joint in a neutral position, and firm stretch helps prevent acute twisting of the joint. These features, along with the reduced blood flow, make for a swift recovery. 

  • Forces You to Grip More Weight 

The tight wrist wraps automatically help you clench harder on the bars. As the wraps press upon your wrists, your fingers will automatically bend in a closing-in fashion. When the hands are resting on the bar, you will be forced to grip under wraps’ pressure. 

  • Alters The Feeling of the Weight

Stronger muscles help make the weight feel lighter. This is because of the different signals sent to the nervous system. Wrist wraps tighten the muscles in your hands and wrists: the messages read by the brain are that of lighter weight. You feel the weight a little less than it looks, and that gives you immense confidence in lifting. 

You feel you can do it, and that motivates you. This makes wrist wraps an incredible gym aid despite their simple outlook and functions. 

How to Choose the Right Wrist Wraps for Powerlifting

Choosing powerlifting gear can be confusing at times: too many options and variety in quality can really make it hard to pick the best one out. Knowing the ‘whys’ and ‘whats’ will really help you along the way.

When choosing your wrist wrap for powerlifting, you need to make sure that it supports your wrist joint and muscles in the best way. Choosing the right material is also very important; you would not want to sweat and feel irritation while you are powerlifting. Wrist wraps are made from breathable material so you are not irritated by sweat building up under the wraps. Ergonomic design makes them fit around your wrists so naturally that you do not feel any difference. 

Choose the right band width too. The bandwidth allows comfort and maximum support for the joints. The firm pressure of the bands diverts stress from the joint to the muscles, which means your wrists are safe from injuries and sprains. However, if it’s too wide, it will cause a feeling of discomfort.

It would be best if you choose a brand that offers more than one band length so that you can pick a pair that suits your specific needs. Powerlifting will need a longer strap for a stern grip of the band around the wrist. It secures the joint, strengthens the grip, and allows the athlete to lift heavier than usual. You can use 18” wrap for maximum support. 

If you are powerlifting solely and need wrist wraps specifically for it, you will need a firm stretch for optimal support and stability. Do not choose light stretch/higher flexibility or an extra short band for powerlifting wraps. Firm stretch, strong fabric and sturdy stitching are must-haves for wrist wraps.

The easy hook and loop closure system makes the wraps comfortable and convenient. Also, look for wrist wraps with thumb loops because they are best suited for powerlifting moves. With loops, the wraps stay firmly in place, and there is no danger of slipping and related hazards. Wrist wraps should have sturdy loops though, because they can come off and get loose easily.


Wrist joint is amazing as far as flexibility and endurance are concerned, but they are quite fragile too. Acute extension and pressure on the joint will result in painful injuries. Powerlifting puts immense pressure on the joint as you try to reach your maximum weight lifting capacity. Wrist wraps divert pressure away from joints and stabilize your joints for improved endurance and lifting ability.

 Wrist wraps are essential for powerlifters as they offer much-needed support for your wrists. They keep the wrist safe from sprains and dislocations, support the joint and make lifting easier and safer. 


Top 10 Fitness Bloggers to Follow


The Gym Fitness Industry, is in full boom, In recent years. With more people looking to improve their health and wellness, it’s never been a better time to be a health and wellness blogger! In this post, we’ll reveal our list of the top 10 fitness bloggers in the industry who are crushing it when it comes to spreading their message.

What is Fitness?

People go to Gym to be physically fit and healthy. The term generally refers to aerobic exercise, such as running, cycling, and swimming, but may also refer to other types of physical activity.
Top 10 Fitness Bloggers:
1. Tone It Up
2. Girls Gone Strong
3. Jillian Michaels Website
4. Lean Healthy Happy
5. The Balanced Blonde
6. Bootyfit Babe
7. Brittney Tovar
8. Kayla Itsines Instagram
9. Ashley Kiser
10. Elena Beal

Benefits of Fitness

The Most important part in life is being fit and healthy, that can be acheived only with regular workout. A lot of those who are overweight or obese have been through a rigorous fitness routine. The benefits of being fit include the following:
· Improved sleep patterns
· Better moods
· Stronger immune system
· Greater mental clarity

How to Achieve your Goals in Fitness

One of the first questions a lot of people ask is, “How do I achieve my goals?” Firstly you need to set a daily fitness goal and keep following the plan will give a boost to your fitness journey towards your goals. You can set up long term or short-term goals depending on your life situation. Fitness experts recommend starting off with short-term goals because they are easier to accomplish in the beginning. For example, if you want to lose weight, create a goal of losing five pounds every week instead of trying to lose fifty pounds.


Tone It Up

tone it up
toneit up

Girls Gone Strong


Jillian Michaels Website

Jillian Michaels
Jillian Michaels

Bootyfit Babe

Bootyfit Babe
Bootyfit Babe

Kayla Itsines

Kayla Itsines
Kayla Itsines


No matter what your fitness goal is, there’s someone on this list who will be able to help you reach it. Whether you’re looking for fitness motivation or tips to improve your life, these bloggers are the experts that know what they’re talking about.

Get Rounded shaped shoulder with Arnold Press shoulder workout


Having a Strong and powerful shoulder muscles will increate your upper body strength, you can perform body pushup and pull exercise easily without any hard try, but only thing is you must have you shoulder stronger.

If your muscle of your shoulder are fully active then from bench presses to pull up will be very easy for you compaired to person whose shoulder is week.

There for to make your shoulder strong Arnold Press it the most effective workout for you shoulder deltoids, making it a super effective training.

When ever you are asked to tell name of famous bodybuilder in the world, then the immediate name that pop up into your head is Arnold Schwarzenegger’s. learn more about arnold here

How to perform the arnold Press

It’s very important to learn the proper form of arnold shoulder press before starting, because arnold press does have some risk on your shoulder.

Arnold Shoulder Press workout is little complex as compaired with normal shoulder workout but once you master the basic of arnold press it will be easy enough to do it.

Here are few step to preform arnold Press

1. Put a Weight(dumbells): Just grap a pair of dumbells: Beginner weight suggested: 10 kg each dumbells.

2. Arnold Press Workout proper form: Hold Tight your core and legs, your arms should be the only thing that should be moved during the exercises.

3. Lefting the weight: Hold the dumbbells beside your ears, palms facing in and elbows at a 90-degree angle. Don’t worry about the form right away; instead, establish a comfortable posture for your wrists, shoulders, and elbows.

4. Push the weight up and Twist: Now you need to push the weight upwords, using your shoulder muscles and triceps muscles, push it up until your arm is fully straight enough. As you push weight up now you need to twist you wrist towords 180 degree. This full rotation helps to engage all three deltoid heads for maximum muscle recruitment.

5. Hold up for 1-count: Hold the weight upwards for a second, give tension you your shoulder muscles by holding the weight up.

6. bring it down and twist reverse: Now Bring the weight down back it start position, now as you bring it back twist your wrist in reverse position(opposite direction).

7. Complete 10 to 15 reps(if weight is 10 kg) or more reps if possible –  with 3 sets of arnold workout.


what does pre workout do – how long pre workout last – why can’t sleep

Hi Guys, Welcome to Your Gym Guides, In this Fitness blog article we will learn on what does pre workout do, how long does pre workout take to kick in & lasting time, is preworkout bad for you.

What does pre-workout do?

Now a days pre-workout suppement are full in trend, bodybuilder drink pre workout to boost the power/energy/increase stamina to left heavy weight at gym.

Everyone who goes to gym to build muscle are look fit generally bodybuilder make use of supplement pre workout powder, to enhance their performance.

They prepare your body to get ready for heard heavy exercises as an aesthetic arsenal.

If you are athletic i have a recommended supplement for you 👇👇👇👇👇


How long does pre workout take to kick in

Usually, gym goer take pre-wokout powder as per recommended by his or her trainer depending on bodyweight, and on average pre-workout kick/effect starts 20-40 minutes,  but depends person-to-person. It all dependence on the which company supplement product you are using. That is why it is said that you should consume it 15 minute before leaving to gym from home, so that until you reach gym, pre-workout effect starts.

How long does pre workout last

how long does pre workout stay in your system, Usually pre-workout will last for 3 hours to 5 hours depending on which company supplement you are using — longer enough to get the serious workout.

is pre workout bad for you Health 

Usually, bodybuilder who’s only goal is bodybuilding & winning bodybuilding MR olympia medal.

If you are using this kind of pre-workout supplements, you should take guide from expert trainer who can guide you properly : you must take it with huge care, because they are very harmful if you over dose it.

it can lead you with many side effect in long go. Insomnia is common in pre-workout intake.

Should i take pre workout

I recommended, normal people who go to gym to keep your body fit & healthy body shape( without any bodybuilding goal) never use pre workout for more energy.

if your goal is to be a fitness model, then you don’t need any kind of supplement.

Why can’t i sleep after pre-workout – insomnia

pre workout removes all your slepy mood and make you energetic be because of some ingredients added in it.

Caffeine: Boost performance and enhance cognition. This is the main ingredient in pre-workout supplements that make you more focused during workout.

L-theanine: Super cool focus and laser-like precision. L-theanine is an amino acid known to promote calm, relaxation, and stimulate the release of relaxation chemical GABA. It’s generally found in mushrooms and tea leaves. It’s helpful to improve your sleep quality, improve performance, and provide a good mood.

As it container caffeine and other. they will boost you internal system and hijack it and produce you to get ready for super powerful workout. within 20 minute if drinking you will be boosted from zero to hero.

So caffeine can take atleast 3-6 hrs to get out of your body.

For Example: if you take pre-workout at 8 PM for night workout and you go to gym & do workout for 2 hours and come back home at 11 PM and suppose you go to bed at 12PM, then caffeine will still be circulating around your body upto 2 AM, due to which you will feel  insomnia

Please make use of pre-workout carefully, if used properly as much as required then it can be a life changing for your fitness bodybuilding goal.

What is the best workout routine to get ready for marines training program

Hi Guys, Welcome to Your Gym Guides, In this Fitness Article we will discuss the best workout routine to get ready for a marines training workout program, We have gathered and put together some best workout routine for men and women so that you learn more about marine corp workout boot camp.

Having A Healthy Lifestyle Means Exercising On A Regular Basis

Fitness can elude many individuals with great intentions. The following information will begin to place a number of these into perspective. If you would like to get into shape, the very best thing you could do is to combine unique kinds of exercises. To get the absolute most from your own time that you wish to perform all of your distinct muscle groups.

Workout Routine

Tend arm exercises, leg exercises, marine ab workout, along cardiovascular workouts on a regular basis to be certain your complete body gets a fantastic workout.

Ensure that you make every attempt to do too much exercise as possible throughout the day. It is also possible to attempt to park a few blocks away from the shop to offer you longer walking time through the afternoon, each tiny effort assists. Fitness is not about exercise. If you’re going to get in form you also must be worried about your diet plan. So select a diet that matches your exercise load daily.

As an instance, if you do not workout daily, this day is the best day for sandwiches, or even on a hefty exercise, it might be more suitable to cheat using a hamburger.

Keeping List of planet fitness workout routine

daily workout plan

Keeping a list of your own planet fitness routine in a journal could be helpful to your routine. Write down your routine workouts and the other workout you did during your day. Even buy a pedometer and monitor your everyday walking. Insert this information into your physical fitness journal. You will be aware of what it takes to reach where you need to be should you gather info.

What is the marine workout?

A Marine workout is not a joke, it needs full mental focus to perform marine corp workout,

US marine workout is an ultimate strength-building exercise plan to rapidly burn body fat & build abs with a marine training workout.

marine corp workout

In simple words, US marine corp workout is to perform rapid exercise in a very time.

for example: completing 50 push up, 25 pull up, 100 abs crunches, and running 3-4 miles in 18 minutes and all combined exercise should get completed within 1 hour.

Marine workout plans –  Training program

marine training workout

Check whether you’re able to do twenty-five(25) pull-ups, one hundred(100) crunches, plus a three-mile running exercise that too within 18 minutes and all workout to be completed within a 1 hour period of time.

If you’re able to complete them within 1 hour time, then you are on the path to get ready for the marine workout training program.

If you can’t complete in gives time, then continue with working on the ability to achieve the marine objective.

What is the best workout routine to get ready for the marines training program?

Getting Ready for marine corp for beginner

Complete this exercise in 4 weeks, marine exercise like plank, abs crunches, hanging leg raises, superman plank, push up, pull up, and many other exercises.

Week 1

Perform each set of exercise in a Marine Corps arsenal,

upper chest workout pushups

Do 1 sets of each workout with 8 – 12 repetitions, rest time between each exercise should not be greater than 60 seconds.

Week 2

By including the week 1 exercise, add a sprint running.

sprints running
sprints running

Then perform sprint running, run as fast as you can run up to 8-15 seconds, then come back to starting line walking and repeat sprints running.

Day 1: Do 2 doubles of pushups and sprints. Rest 60 seconds; do 2 doubles of squats and sprints. Perform 12 reps of each exercise.
Day 2: Perform 2 doubles of pullups and sprints. Rest 60 seconds; do 2 doubles of swings and sprints. Aim for 8 pullups and 20 swings.
Day 3: Do 2 doubles of pushups and sprints. Rest 60 seconds; do 2 doubles of squats and sprints. Perform 12 pushups and 20 squats.

Week 3


Day 1: Perform 20 squats followed by 12 pushups, and then sprint.
Day 2: Do 25 dumbbell swings followed by 12 clean and presses, and a sprint.
Day 3: Perform 25 reps of the front squat to push press, and a sprint. Then drop down for 20 pushups.

Week 4

Perform these two marine fitness challenge, but note that keeps at least one day gap between them.

Marine Challenge 1
Go for a quarter-mile run. This will be your sprint distance for your doubles. For your first double, do 15 reps of the clean and press, and then run. Next, do another double of 20 deadlifts followed by a run. Finish with a double of 25 squats, and then run. Try it again in a month, with the goal of beating your total time by at least 1 minute.

Marine Challenge 2
Perform 20 dumbbell swings immediately followed by 20 pushups. That’s a superset. Do as many supersets as you can in 20 minutes. Repeat the challenge after 4 weeks, and try to complete an additional superset.

Reference Menshealth

Tips And Tricks For Weight Loss

It can be a struggle to lose weight. People find their enthusiasm weaning after a few weeks. And Thus the people who reached their weight loss goals & to maintain their weight it done with methods like the same.

Thinking to lose weight is a great place to start

Want to achieve weight loss is a great place to start, many people want to lose weight and their aim is to fit into clothes that are now too small and not fitting your body due to weight gain.

Then are you currently investing your time in getting a healthier, and more physically fit person in life.

There are many little things you can do each and every day that will help support your success in your weight loss program. Begin by recording your weekly weight loss. Keep track of all the things you eat so you can stay on top of yourself.

Weight loss plan

Planning is the first step to rapidly lose weight, some people out there don’t do any kind of proper weight loss plan instead they just think about a diet plan to lose weight & then without any proper planning they will lose focus on the dream to lose weight and then after days they will come back to their normal life, and completely forget about the plan.

There are little things you can do every day that will help you successfully achieve your weight loss program.

Begin with keeping note of the weight

The basic and first step is to measure your weight weekly, keep track of how much GM/KG you lost recently this week & compare it with last week’s weight.

measuring your weight
keep track of your weight weekly

Keep track of your food intake

Learn about the food items you eat on daily basis, keep basic knowledge of how much nutrients you consume daily like protein, carbs, fat etc.

In your busy schedule,  when you feel hungry always carry good nutrients food with you because if you are hungry and feel to eat something then instead of eating fast food that is unhealthy, remove your healthy food and eat.

keep track of food intake
keep track of food intake

Workout a bit

You should schedule a time for your daily workout if you want to lose weight, try to integrate a workout regime as well. A healthy lifestyle requires both regular exercise & eat a healthy diet food plan.

why are gyms so expensive

Join a workout class or gym where you come into contact with a fitness lover and they will keep you motivated towards your weight loss plan.

is a gym membership worth it price
is a gym membership worth it price


Try removing Junk food & artificial sweet items

The main reason to gain weight is consuming loss of junk food.

make sure to ignore consuming sweet food products or any packed products.

potato chips unhealthy processed food
potato chips unhealthy processed food

Eliminate the sources of your bad food eating habits & increase the consumption of fruits & Veggies.

un healthy processed packed food
unhealthy processed packed food

Simply do any keep stock of any junk packed food items in your kitchen, if you keep it will make you tempted to eat them.

Carbohydrate foods

Keep fitness lover around you

Having other people who are motivated to be fit in life and help support you, is the best asset you have in your life that keeps you motivated to your lose weight goal.

motivated people around you
keep motivated people around you

Communicate with motivated people, whenever you feel your motivation is getting down. and you will feel better and get motivated again.

Why are gym membership so expensive/costly

Hi Guys, Welcome you to Your Gym Guides, In this article, we will look into why are gyms so expensive, is a gym membership worth it giving thousand of dollars per year,  gym membership cost per month is around 70$ to 150$ per month.

What is average gym membership cost?

It depends on the gym to gym, Gyms nowadays are expensive, in olden days like our legend Arnold would go to the cheapest gym membership where they used to pay less for a gym membership for a year, but now there is a package in the gym too like a monthly gym membership like one gym will charge you 70$ per month, $120 for 3 month and $200 for 6 month, gym are too expensive in some city.

is a gym membership worth it price
is a gym membership worth it price

This will vary on the type of gym you choose to go to, the typical local gym is affordable for the lower-middle-class people, whereas sports-specific types of the gym with more gym equipment are too expensive.

you choose where you want to join.

Note: All gym is the same, no gym will do your workout, you yourself need to work out hard to achieve greatness, that is also possible in a cheapest monthly gym membership.

why are gyms so expensive

is one-year gym membership are so costly? Are they worth the cost?

Actually, if you calculate, the one-year gym membership cost is less as compared to paying a monthly gym membership.

I think it’s better to take a gym membership for 6 months or a year but once you get comfortable at a gym.

firstly, pay at the gym monthly wise for 2 months,s and then if you feel the gym is worth paying for 6 months or 1 year then goes for it else simply change the gym.

I am from India and in India, the most gym is cheaper as compared to other country, I go to a gym where they charge me Rs 2000 per month that is around $26, and yearly gym membership will cost me Rs 12000- Rs 15000 that’s around $160 – $200,

So by paying at the gym monthly wise, it will cost me Rs 24000 i.e  $320, by paying one-year membership at the gym I am saving around $9000 i.e $120.

Finally, I would recommend you to try a new gym for 2-month at least before paying them for a 1-year membership, if you feel the gym is good with all facilities then purchase for 1 year.

Do you know? Plank Exercise is more effective then Crunches


Hi Guys, Welcome to Your Gym Guide, In this Fitness article, we will discuss on How a Plank workout is more effective than abs crunches.

What is a plank workout?

In Simple work a plank exercise is a stealth core strength training, this plank for beginners looks easily but difficult to hold. All you need to do is to come to a position that is similar to push-up and hold the position for the maximum time you can hold. By performing plank exercise you can build a core and strong abs at home. Plank is the best home exercise for abs.

The benefit of plank exercise

  1. Strengthens your core muscles.
  2. Better posture and improve balance.
  3.  Reduce back pain.
  4. Improve Flexibility.

Check out this article on plank exercise benefits

Planks for beginners and benefits of Plank Workout.

Plank Exercise is more effective than abs crunches


You have read in the above points on how is plank exercise is beneficial for your over body structure, It not only build core but also improves your posture and strengthen your backbone.

by Preforming plank workout on daily bases it targets multiple muscles at once those include:

Plank Exercise at home

How to place your body for the effective plank exercise | How to Perform the Plank Workout.

  • Your knees and hands should remain on the bottom, your back flat, and therefore the shoulders should be a touch wider than shoulder-width apart.
  • Focus on a spot on the ground beyond your hands, so as to stay the spine, head, and neck straight.
  • Apply the pressure on the toes, and place the proper leg on the ground.
  • Then, repeat an equivalent with the left leg.
  • You need to start out contracting the abdominal muscles and remain during this position for 20-60 seconds.
  • Afterward, relax your body.
  • You need to gradually increase the time of maintaining the plank position up to a moment.
Repeat the plank 3 times on a daily basis for effective results.

elbow plank 6 packs

What is Keto diet | Benefits of Keto diet for Bodybuilding

Hi Guys, Welcome to Your Gym Guides,  In this article we will check out 6 benefits of following keto diet plan for bodybuilding.

So let’s begin

What is keto diet ?

Wikipedia say, In Ketogenic deit plan is avery high-fat, and normal protein, and low-carbs, This diet plan will help & force your body to burn more amount of fat instead of carbs.

Benefits of following healthy diet

This kito diet plan will boost your Metabolic level, it decrease carbohydrate intake in your body and replace it with fat ( note : here fat is good source of fat ),

Thus decrease in carbs intake will put body to boost your metabolic state and its called as Ketosis.

When this process of boosting metabolism start, your body automatically start burning fat because it needs energy, it is also said in research that  when this happens, it also turns fat in ketones in liver, which will help your body in supplying good amount of energy to your brain.

Ketogenic diets is very useful for have high sugar level and insulin level is also high, in it help them in reducting the blood sugar level and help then in becoming healthly day by day.

Note: Nothing happens in one day, Keep patience and follow diet plan regularly.

Food to eat while you in keto diet

  • Poultry : turkey and chicken is best.
  • Eggs : Whole eggs would be best choice, because  they are high in protein and fat.
  • Fatty fish : fish fat are known to be good source of fat.
  • dairy products : butter, milk, yogurt.
  • Nuts and seeds : consume all kinds of nuts, because nuts have good nutrition and also good source of fat nutrition.

Food to avoid in keto diet

  • Baked food : like white break, cookies and doughnuts.
  • Remove sweet item from diet: Sugar should be avoided, and all sugar products like coke and soft drinks.
  • Noodles : Please avoid noodles and paste, because most of them are made using maida, and as you know that maida don’t have any nutrient in it.


Abs Workout – 30 minute abs workout with body weight


Hi Guys Welcome to Your  Gym Guides, In this blog post we will check out 5 abs exercises that will give you a insane abs that to workout out for 20-30 min with your body weight.

Abs workout is the best exercises to transform your middle section into a hard looking six pack abs.

If you start working hard at your gym and follow a healthy diet plan, then you can easily achieve a super abs in just a 1-2 month.

Unfortunately, that’s not normally how things go.
There are 4 section of abs you need to target during the workout section, i.e. Upper abs, Middle abs and lower abs, The upper abs are the one one that need to be shown first, and is the most common core exercises like crunches can easily hit the lower abs and upper abs.

Firstly, in order for your abdominal muscles to become visible is for you to drop your body fat percentage to at least 9-12% for men, and 15-18% for women.

So let’s start with the exercises

Abs Workout

Hanging knee twist:

Hanging leg raise:

In this workout you just need to hang on the handing rod and just lift your leg up and down and so on.

body weight leg raise abs core development
body weight leg raise abs core development

Sets:Reps: 15 Rest: 60sec

How to:

  • Just hang on a pull up bar at gym or at home.
  • keep you legs straight
  • now lift your legs up to chest, bring it down ( this is rep 1)
  • then repeat it for 15 reps

Alternating leg raise:

arnold bent leg raise

Sets:Reps: 15 Rest: 60sec

How to:

  • Start the leg raise by lie on the back, palm facing downwords.
  • Bring your youu knees up to your face chin and take it back again
  • then repeat it for 15 reps

Start the bent leg raise exericise by lie on your back, palms facing downwords, Bend your knees so that both of your legs makes a 90 degree angles, Bring your chin up to your chest and curls up. Extend your legs until they’re are completely straight, then come back to your starting position as shown by Arnold Sir in above image. this  exercies will also hit the abdominal muscles, Do this leg raise exercise of 3 sets of 25 reps each set.

Bicycle Crunches  abs core workout

bicycle_crunches 6 packs abs workouts exercises

Sets:Reps: 15 Rest: 60sec

How to:

  • Ly down facing upwords
  • keep you legs  slight up as shown in above image.
  • and lift your leg upto chest (assume as you are are cycling)
  • then repeat it for 15 reps

One Superman plank:

one arm superman plank abs trainning

Sets:Reps: 15 Rest: 60sec

How to do one arm super man plank

  • Start with a plank position
  • and lift your alertnative hand and legs a shown in above image
    Eg: if you lift right hand then lift you left leg and like wise lift left hand and lift right leg
  • do this for complete 15 reps

Side Press :

kettle bells side abs press
kettle bells side abs press

Sets:Reps: 15 Rest: 60sec

How to Side Press with kettlebell:

  • Start with the kettlebell at shoulder height.
  • Brace your core and lower your torso to one side while simultaneously straightening your arm.
  • Aim to keep the kettlebell in place so that it barely moves – instead, your body should move away from it.
  • From there, reverse the move back to the start.